1.十面埋伏 (The Ambush)
2.中花六板 (Medium Fancy Six Beat)
3.道情 (Expression of Love)
4.将军令 (General's Command)
5.月夜 (Moonlight)
6.大浪淘沙 (The Great Wave Washes The Beach) [Pipa Instrumental]
7.三六 (Three Six)
8.闲居吟 (Glad Humming of a Humble Famil)
9.烛影摇红 (Flicking of Candles)
10.汉宫秋月 (Autumn moon in the Palace of Han)
11.高山流水 (Lofty Mountains and Flowing River)
12.霸王卸甲 (The King Chu Doffs His Armour)
13.飞花点翠 (Swirl Snow Decorating The Evergreen)
14.闹元宵 (Happy Lantern Festival)
15.渔舟唱晚 (Fishermen's Song Of The Evening)
16.三宝佛 (Triratna Buddha)
17.欢乐歌 (A Song of Joy)
18.夕阳箫鼓 (Flute And Drum At Sunset) [Pipa Instrumental]
19.阳春古曲 (White Snow In Early Spring)
20.月儿高 (The Moon Rises)
21.花三六 (Fancy Six Beat)
22.慢六板 (Slow Six Beat)
23.行街 (Walking on the Streets)
24.雪庆 (Snow Celebration)