Shut up
You talk too much
You talk too much
You talk too much
You talk too much
Hey! You over there, I know about your kind
You're like the Independent Network News on Channel 9
Everywhere that you go, no matter where you at
I said you talk about this, and you talk about that
When the cat took your tongue, I say you took it right back
Your mouth is so big, one bite would kill a Big Mac
You talk too much
You never shut up
I said you talk too much
Homeboy you never shut up
You talk about people, you don't even know
And you talk about places, you never go
You talk about your girl, from head to toe
I said your mouth's moving fast and your brain's moving slow
You talk too much
You never shut up
I said you talk too much
Homeboy you never shut up
You're the instigator, the orator of the town
You're the worst when you converse, just a big mouth clown
You talk when you're awake, I heard you talk when you sleep
Has anyone ever told you, that talk is cheap
You talk too much
You never shut up
I said you talk too much
Homeboy you never shut up
Talking is the one thing, that you can do best
You told the cavity creeps, to watch out for Crest
You never have the story, right and exact
And then you always try to bore me, with your yakkity yak
You talk too much
You never shut up
I said you talk too much
Homeboy you never shut up
Everyday you are out fighting someone in the street
And you're always fighting someone you know ya can't beat
Then you wonder how, you got in this mess
Just think of what you said, then take a guess
You talk too much
You never shut up
I said you talk too much
Homeboy you never shut up
You're always spreading rumors, whether bad or good
You're the damn Walter Cronkite of the neighborhood
The Barbara Walters and the Howard Cosell
You always come around, with a story to tell
You talk too much
And then you never shut up
I said you talk too much
Homeboy you never shut up
Said it's everybody's business that you love to mind
And talkin' to you, is like dropping a dime
You're spreading the word, like it is your job
You should be a stool pigeon, who works for the mob
You talk too much
Then you never shut up
I said you talk too much
Homeboy you never shut up
A big blabbermouth, that's what you are
If you were a talk show host, you'd be a star
I said your mouth is big, size extra large
And when you open it, it's like my garage
You talk too much
And then you never shut up
I said you talk too much
Homeboy you never shut up
You always like to gossip, just like a girl
You talk so damn much, it's outta this world
When you're reincarnated, in your second life
You won't be a man, you'll be a nagging wife
You talk too much
Then you never shut up
He said you talk too much
Homeboy you never shut up
Shut up
Shut up
Twenty-five hours, eight days a week
Thirteen months outta year, is when you speak
I'm tired of listening to the garbage you talk
Why don't you find a short pier, and take a long walk
You talk too much
Then you never shut up!
I said you talk too much
Homeboy you never shut up
You talk too much
You could be, out of breath
You talk too much
Man you naggin' me to death
You talk too much
Tired of hearing you speak
You talk too much
Eight days a week
You talk too much
Then you never shut up
I said you talk too much
Why don't you ever shut up
You talk too much
Then you never shut up!
I said you talk too much
Homeboy you never shut up
2.Rock Box
15.Peter Piper
16.It's Tricky
17.My Adidas
18.Is It Live
20.Hit It Run
21.Raising Hell
24.Run's House
25.Mary, Mary
31.The Ave
38.Get Open
39.Wreck Shop
40.Queens Day
43.Rock Show
44.Ay Papi