编曲 : 刘永辉 Andrew Low
You use your cloudy vision to see through the reality of the world
制作人 : 刘永辉  Andrew Low
You use your deaf ears to listen to the cough coming from the bed next to you
你用一双不透明的眼眸 把世情看得通透
Amnesia is a step away from your unburdened being, dissatisfied by the vanishing of the past from your memory
你用一双已失聪的耳朵 去听隔壁床咳嗽
You can depart with ease even if nobody is by your side, but it sounds solemn and heavy saying this
快失忆的你剩两袖清风 却不服往事如风
This is not purely fiction. This is not a short story either.
没人送反而能走得轻松 说来却那么沉重
While we’re caught up in smiling, someone has run out of tears
[01:24.654]Just like you, we can’t avoid approaching the days
这不是纯属虚构 这不是短篇小说
[01:29.783]When we’re getting on in years
我们忙着笑的时候 有人已经无力泪流
[01:35.226]Just like you, we loathe bidding farewell
[01:39.575]But we can only learn to keep saying goodbye
[01:24.654]我们跟你一样 无法避免
[01:45.316]Just like you, we were once fearless
[01:29.783]会走到白头到老 那一天
[01:50.206]Why do we neglect things that happen and change
[01:35.226]我们跟你一样 痛恨告别
[01:55.479]Just like you, we have blood and tears
[01:39.575]却只能去学会 不停说再见
[02:00.487]So we understand your lonesomeness calls for someone’s company
Gazing at the familiar face in the photo, embraced in a stranger’s love
[01:45.316]我们跟你一样 曾经无畏
Holding your wrinkled hands, moved by the sense of life
[01:50.206]为什么任一切变 无所谓
If God opens up heaven’s door, perhaps wait for a moment
[01:55.479]我们跟你一样 有血有泪
Give the world a little more pondering moment, think about what else we can do
[02:00.487]所以明白你孤独 是要人陪
This is not another Earth, this is not an urban legend either
Apathetic people are deemed accomplices, so don’t refrain from spreading kindness
凝视照片里熟悉的骨肉 在陌生爱里受宠
Even if happiness does not arrive in time, don't be disheartened
握一握你布满皱折的手 传来的生之感动
We'll go through old age together, with you
如果神要打开天国的门 能不能再等一等
给世界多一点思考片刻 还可以做点什么
这不是别的地球 这不是都市传说
漠然的人沦为帮凶 不要继续吝啬温柔
幸福太晚 别心灰
陪你慢慢 过晚年
制作助理 Assistant Producer:黄颖健 YJ Bong
和音编写 Backing Vocals Arranged by:王赴颖 Fuying/刘永辉 Andrew Low
和声 Backing Vocals by:王赴颖 Fuying/沈展甯 Sam / 刘永辉 Andrew Low
弦乐编写 Strings Arrangement:陈欣桦 Iris Tan
吉他 Guitar:Jamie Wilson
录音师 Recording Engineer:刘怡君 Winnie Liew /林巧儿 QE Lim
录音室 Recording Studio:Qactus Studio
混音录音师 Mixing Engineer:林巧儿 QE Lim
混音录音室 Mixing Studio:Qactus Studio
母带后期处理录音师 Mastering Engineer:CL Toh
母带后期处理录音室 Mastering Studio:Mastering One
原词曲版权公司 Original Publisher:
词 Lyric | 华研音乐经纪股份有限公司 HIM Music Publishing Inc.
曲 Composition | FS Entertainment Sdn Bhd
代理词曲版权公司 Sub-Publisher:
曲 Composition | 大石音乐版权私人有限公司(马来西亚分公司) Touch Music Publishing (M) Sdn Bhd
6.We Are The Change