你再次点燃香烟 迷惑着我得到极致快感
You got me high on second fumes
城市的夜晚清冷无比 房间里烟雾缭绕
Cold city nights and smoking rooms
I know your story off by heart
You fabricated every part
你口若悬河般说完后 我迎来的便是死寂
You talk too much then say nothing
I'm just the face that buys the drinks
梦幻巴黎 迷失洛城 全都是你的谎言
Paris, L.A. and all that ****
You got it how you wanted it
然后你再次狡辩到 再次欺骗着我
But mmm, then you say, then you say
但是 好吧 这一次我可以再听信一回
That you need me for life
可当我踽踽独行之时 你又在什么地方
But mmm, I'm okay, I'm okay this time
我有上百种理由 可以将你拒之门外
'Cause where were you when I was lonely?
还有上百种方式 可以让你就此滚蛋
Now you acting like you know me
当我孑然一身之时 不知您又在何方快活
There's 100 ways to tell you no
你永远都看不到我的苦楚 所以你再使唤我的时候
Another 100 more to let you go, go, go
Where were you when I was lonely?
当我独自挣扎时 若你再也不想接触到我
You never saw but when you called me
那当我形单影只之时 你又在哪快活
I ain't gonna listen anymore
深夜孤影 独自消愁 茕茕孑立 形影相吊
If you never want me when I'm lonely
当我寂寞难奈之时 你又在什么地方呢
Where were you when I was
茕茕孑立 形影相吊
Lonely (x4)
茕茕孑立 形影相吊
Where were you when I was
我从不希望 你拥有迷人的面容
Lonely (x2)
我也很希望 自己能够神通广大
Lonely, lonely
我知道 我只能怪自己
因为你呀 总是爱把责任归咎于他人
And I wish you weren't so beautiful
And I wish I was so usable
I know I gotta blame myself
你和你的挚友们 可都是演技出众的老手
'Cause you'd always blame somebody else
我再也不用见到那群人了 真是深得我心
And you always act misunderstood
然后你再次狡辩到 再次欺骗着我
Like everyone in Hollywood
You're just as fake as all your friends
但是 好吧 这一次我可以再听信一回
And I'm glad I won't see them again, ha, huh
可当我踽踽独行之时 你又在什么地方
But mmm, then you say, then you say
我有上百种理由 可以将你拒之门外
That you need me for life
还有上百种方式 可以让你就此滚蛋
But mmm, I'm okay, I'm okay this time
当我孑然一身之时 不知您又在何方快活
你永远都看不到我的苦楚 所以你再使唤我的时候
'Cause where were you when I was lonely?
Now you acting like you know me
当我独自挣扎时 若你再也不想接触到我
There's 100 ways to tell you no
那当我形单影只之时 你又在哪快活
Another 100 more to let you go, go, go
深夜孤影 独自消愁
'Cause where were you when I was lonely?
当我寂寞难奈之时 你又在什么地方呢
You never saw but when you called me
茕茕孑立 形影相吊
I ain't gonna listen anymore
深夜孤影 独自消愁
If you never want me when I'm lonely
茕茕孑立 形影相吊
Where were you when I was
当我孑然一身之时 不知您又在何方快活
Lonely (x2)
深夜孤影 独自消愁
Where were you when I was
茕茕孑立 形影相吊
Lonely (x2)
深夜孤影 独自消愁
Lonely, lonely
那当我形单影只之时 你又在哪快活
茕茕孑立 形影相吊
Lonely (x2)
Where were you when I was
Lonely (x2)
Lonely, lonely
Lonely (x2)
Where were you when I was
Lonely (x2)