I was born in ruins 我出生于混乱之中
Dark clouds under my feet 叱咤风云
I'm not a liar,not a fake 我不会撒谎 也不曾伪装
I beat for one heart untill i bleed 我只钟爱一人 直到我内心伤痕累累
I don't like to party 我不喜欢与人交流
All the roads misleading 便却迷失所有方向
Swim in ocean,Drown in deep 在深海中渐渐沉没
I thought i'm choking,but i still breath 我曾以为我会因此命失于此 但我依旧在此生还
Baby,you're not perfect,you're just broken piece 亲爱的 你并不完美 你已支离破碎
Let me teach you,let me be the tool you need 让我去教导你 让我成为你得力的助手
Let me kiss you,let me touch you 让我亲吻你 让我感受你的爱意
What a view I see 如此意乱情迷
When my dream into nightmare there 当我的美梦变得万念俱灰
When the dark become a brightness there 当这不见天日的光明再次重现
Would you love me as no one's here 你还会因为继续爱我吗 即使无人知晓
I don't need,I don't need 不好意思 我不需要
When the endless maze i find nowhere 当我再也逃不出这无边无尽的迷宫
When the darkest magic down my hands 当最毒恶的黑魔法落在我的手中
All my logic become so wired 我脑子中的逻辑都如此奇怪
There's no needs,there's no needs 我再也不需要了 不必了
I will be a lightning 我会一鸣惊人
People all get scaring 人们仓皇逃窜
I try to hide it,but i'm not a chick 我曾试着隐藏自己 但我不会胆小萎缩
Karma is coming,i rule the king 因果报应迟早会来临 因为我将统治一切
What you did,now I see 你都做了些什么 我心知肚明
I could love nobody 我也可以不再爱上任何人
You were in my heart,you were in deep 而你曾深深的埋葬我的心里
Thunder is coming,cuz i still breath 雷电定会轰鸣 我依旧顺风顺水
Baby,you're not perfect,you're just broken piece 亲爱的 你并不完美 你已支离破碎
Let me teach you,let me be the tool you need 让我去教导你 让我成为你得力的助手
Let me kiss you,let me touch you 让我亲吻你 让我感受你的爱意
What a beaten thing 如此俗套的剧情
When my dream into nightmare there 当我的美梦万念俱灰
When the dark become a brightness there 当这不见天日的光明再次重现
Would you love me as no one's here 你还会因为继续爱我吗 即使无人知晓
I don't need,I don't need 不好意思 我不需要
When the endless maze i find no where 当我再也逃不出这无边无尽的迷宫
When the darkest magic down my hands 当最毒恶的黑魔法落在我的手中
All my logic become so wired 我脑子中的逻辑都如此奇怪
There's no needs,there's no needs 我再也不需要了 请勿打扰
Baby you could turn me on,i feel the magic 亲爱的 你的魔力原本可以让我欲火焚身
And the beat goes on and on,i see you breaking 但循序渐进 你却自生自灭
There's no needs for me to take,I'll do
I don't need,don't need 不好意思 不需要
Baby you could turn me on,i feel the magic 亲爱的 你的魔力原本可以让我欲火焚身
And the beat goes on and on,i see you breaking 但循序渐进 你却自生自灭
There's no needs for me to take,I'll do everything 我再也不需要你 我自己一人也可以承担一切
I don't need,don't need 不好意思 我不需要
When my dream into nightmare there 当我的美梦变得万念俱灰
When the dark become a brightness there 当这不见天日的光明再次重现
Would you love me as no one's here 你还会因为继续爱我吗 即使无人知晓
I don't need,I don't need 不好意思 我不需要
When the endless maze i find nowhere 当我再也逃不出这无边无尽的迷宫
When the darkest magic down my hands 当最毒恶的黑魔法落在我的手中
All my logic become so wired 我脑子中的逻辑都如此奇怪
There's no needs,there's no needs 我再也不需要了 不必了
1.No Needs