Once I was seven years old, my mama told me
那年我七岁 妈妈告诉我
Go make yourself some friends or you'll be lonely.
去交些朋友 不然你会感到孤独
Once I was seven years old.
It was a big big world, but we thought we were bigger.
这是个辽阔的大千世界 我们却总以为自己能将一切掌握
Pushing each other to the limits, we were learning quicker.
将彼此逼到极限 我们才能更快的成长
By eleven hanging out and thinking we were sicker
十一岁那年我成为烟鬼 喝过烈酒
Never rich so we were out to make that steady figure
没钱继续堕落挥霍 就外出打工
Once I was eleven years old, my daddy told me
那年我十一岁 爸爸告诉我
Go get yourself a wife or you'll be lonely.
尽快找个妻子 不然你一个人会很空虚
Once I was eleven years old.
I always had that dream like my daddy before me
我常梦想终有一天 能像爸爸一样成为一个歌手
So I started writing songs, I started writing stories
于是我开始创作写歌 把故事写进歌里
Something about the glory, just always seemed to bore me
曾经的功成名就 总会让我厌倦
Cause only those I really love will ever really know me
因为只有那些我深爱的人 才能称之为知己
Once I was twenty years old, my story got told
那年我二十岁 我的故事被人们熟知
Before the morning sun, when life was lonely.
事业如旭日蒸蒸而上 生活仍是一成不变的孤独
Once I was twenty years old.
I only see my goals, I don't believe in failure.
我一心实现梦想 不相信会有失败的一天
Cause I know the smallest voices, they can make it major.
因为我知道即使再微弱的呐喊 也还有被听到的机会
I got my boys with me at least those in favor
And if we don't meet before I leave, I hope I'll see you later.
如果将来分开时来不及告别 希望有缘还能再见
Once I was 20 years old, my story got told
那年我二十岁 我的故事和歌被人们熟知
I was writing about everything, I saw before me
Once I was 20 years old.
Soon we'll be 30 years old, our songs have been sold
很快我们就到而立之年了 我们的歌曲爆红
We've traveled around the world and we're still roaming.
我们已经火遍全球 从未停下脚步
Soon we'll be 30 years old.
I'm still learning about life
I hope I will have children for me
So I can sing them all my songs
And I can tell them stories
Most of my boys are with me
Some are still out seeking glory
And some I had to leave behind
My brother I'm still sorry
Soon I'll be 60 years old, my daddy got 61
很快我将年过花甲 爸爸也已经六十一岁了
Remember life and then your life becomes a better one
记得感恩 珍惜利用好生活中的每一刻 会让你的人生过得更好
I made the man so happy when I wrote a letter once
我曾亲手写过一封信 也让收信人无比的高兴
I hope my children come and visit, once or twice a month
我希望等我老了 我的孩子们也能常来看我
Soon I'll be 60 years old, will I think the world is cold
很快就到六十岁了 我还不知道是否还会觉得世态炎凉
Or will I have a lot of children who can bore me
Soon I'll be 60 years old
Soon I'll be 60 years old, will I think the world is cold
Or will I have a lot of children who can bore me
Soon I'll be 60 years old
Once I was seven years old, my mama told me
我仍记得七岁那年 妈妈告诉我
Go make yourself some friends or you'll be lonely
去交些朋友 不然你会感到孤独
Once I was seven years old
Once I was seven years old
同我二十岁一般 仍对生活充满幻想
1.Don’t Let Me Down
4.This Is What You Came For
5.One Dance
6.Drag Me Down
9.24K Magic
10.Shake It Off
11.Cake By The Ocean
12.Cheap Thrills
13.Let Me Love You
14.Shout Out To My Ex
15.Can't Stop The Feeling!
16.What Do You Mean?
17.Dancing On My Own
18.7 Years
19.Cold Water
20.Treat You Better