People everywhere
A sense of expectation hanging in the air
Giving out a spark
Across the room your eyes are glowing in the dark
And here we go again,
We know the start, we know the end
Masters of the scene
We've done it all before
And now we're back to get some more
You know what I mean
Voulez vous ah ha
Take it now or leave it ah ha
Now is all we get ah ha
Nothing promised, no regrets
Voulez vous ah ha
Ain't no big decision ah ha
You know what to do ah ha
La question c'est voulez vous
Voulez vous
I know what you think
The girl means business
So I'll offer her a drink
Feeling mighty proud
I see you leave your table,
Pushing through the crowd
I'm really glad you came,
You know the rules, you know the game
Master of the scene
We've done it all before
And now we're back to get some more
You know what I mean
Voulez vous ah ha
Take it now or leave it ah ha
Now is all we get ah ha
Nothing promised, no regrets
Voulez vous ah ha
Ain't no big decision ah ha
You know what to do ah ha
La question c'est voulez vous
And here we go again,
We know the start, we know the end
Masters of the scene
We've done it all before
And now we're back to get some more
You know what I mean
Voulez vous ah ha ah ha ah ha
Voulez vous ah ha ah ha ah ha
Voulez vous ah ha
Take it now or leave it ah ha
Now is all we get ah ha
Nothing promised, no regrets
Voulez vous ah ha
Ain't no big decision ah ha
You know what to do ah ha
I can still say voulez vous
Voulez vous
14.Piano (Live)
19.爱不爱我 (Live)
21.好久不见 (Live)
23.舞娘 (Live)
24.爱是怀疑 (Live)
25.新年快乐 (Live)
26.初恋 (Live)
27.回来 (Live)
31.爱要坦荡荡 (Live)
32.暗香 (Live)
33.像疯了一样 (Live)
34.Go (Live)
35.Creep (Live)
37.稻香 (Live)
40.海阔天空 (Live)
41.恼人的秋风 (Live)
44.屋顶 (Live)
45.对你爱不完 (Live)
46.野菊花 (Live)
47.精武门 (Live)
48.绝对完美 (Live)
50.那片海 (Live)
51.你的眼神 (Live)
52.谈何容易 (Live)
54.牵手 (Live)
55.等你爱我 (Live)
56.恋爱危险 (Live)
58.青春 (Live)
59.他不懂 (Live)
61.逆态度 (Live)
62.曾经的你 (Live)
63.天地在我心 (Live)
64.正能量 (Live)
66.小星星 (Live)
67.那些年 (Live)
68.爸爸去哪儿 (Live)
70.这就是爱 (Live)
71.眼泪簌簌 (Live)
72.欢乐颂 (Live)
73.心雨 (Live)
74.最初的信仰 (Live)
75.爱情鸟 (Live)
76.心火 (Live)
77.MOOPA (Live)
79.也许明天 (Live)
80.恋爱达人 (Live)
82.鬼迷心窍 (Live)
84.最终信仰 (Live)
85.山丘 (Live)
88.绿光 (Live)
92.匆匆 (Live)
94.海芋恋 (Live)
95.最美 (Live)
98.狐狸叫 (Live)
100.卡拉永远OK (Live)
101.我不是男神 (Live)
102.Hey Jude (Live)
103.封面恋人 (Live)
105.致青春 (Live)
106.对你爱不完 (Live)
107.我是一只鱼 (Live)
108.Tik Tok (Live)
109.冬天里的一把火 (Live)
110.追梦赤子心 (Live)
111.DV (Live)
112.风吹麦浪 (Live)
113.那些花儿 (Live)
114.搜 (Live)
116.我相信 (Live)
117.Marry You (Live)
118.The Rain (Live)
119.原来爱情没有刚刚好 (Live)
120.约翰屈伏塔 (Live)
121.味道 (Live)
122.为自己代言 (Live)
123.记得 (Live)
124.这一次我决不放手 (Live)
125.哥哥 (Live)
126.对的人错的时候 (Live)
127.像梦一样自由 (Live)
128.征服 (Live)
129.童年 (Live)
131.我要飞 (Live)
132.Honey (Live)
133.伙伴 (Live)
134.爱爱爱爱 (Live)
135.青苹果乐园 (Live)
136.追梦赤子心 (Live)
137.我忘了 (Live)
138.跳跳糖 (Live)
139.凤凰 (Live)
141.爱了 (Live)
142.相约如梦 (Live)