Saturday(Cover Stephanie Hladowski)

游戏<Sailor's Dream>插曲
Where do promises go after sundown?
Do they just disappear like a boat leaving land
What are words if not spoken sincerely?
They are worth nothing more than a handful of sand
I could just wait here in silent devotion
Let the weeks pass in a constant concern
But I won't do that, to hell with your ocean
Tell me, why did you promise you'd always return?
What are stories if nobody listens?
Do you tell them to stars over waters unknown?
Do the winds whisper softly like I do?
Do the whales sing you songs when you're all on your own?
I could just wait here in silent devotion
Lay here all worried at night in my bed
But I won't do that, to hell with your ocean
So I damn you and curse you and wish you were dead
But I need you and want you, you're still in my head
1.一世如弈 with HITA(Cover 灰老板)
2.梦望断 with 长歌红影乱(Cover winky诗&暗恋)
3.空山(Cover 河图)
4.英雄难做(Cover 音频怪物)
5.桃花不见(Cover 洋洢)
6.对的人(Cover 杨千嬅)
7.忘仙(Cover 绯村柯北)
8.梦中歌谣(Cover 纯音乐)
9.当你远行 with 云の泣(Cover 蔡照 / 陈秋实)
10.白骨精写给孙悟空的信(Cover 周艳泓)
11.日暮归途 with 绯村柯北(Cover 安久 / 清漪)
12.此生长(Cover 安久)
13.港中大版《南山南》(Cover 马頔)
14.Saturday(Cover Stephanie Hladowski)
15.腐草为萤(Cover 银临)
16.刹那芳华曲(Cover 小爱的妈)
17.直到世界的尽头(Cover 小野丽莎《大明劫》)
18.归去来兮(Cover 爱的涟漪)
19.千年玉红(Cover 中岛美嘉《胧月夜~祈り》)
20.小夫妻 with 小义(Cover 蔡淳佳 / 欧得洋)
21.天命风流(Cover 绯村柯北)
22.广寒(Cover 琉辉)
23.水龙吟(Cover HTA)
24.卷珠帘(Cover 霍尊)
25.锦鲤抄(Cover 云の泣 / 银临)
26.人生云下(Cover ediq)
27.满·月已霜(Cover 廖国钺)
28.奋不顾身(Cover 容祖儿《蜃楼》)