Electrical Storm (Main Mix)

1.Man of Steel (Main Mix)
2.Heading for Battle (Main Mix)
3.Relentless Pursuit (Main Mix)
4.Dark Warrior (Main Mix)
5.Kinetic (Main Mix)
6.Age of Empires (Main Mix)
7.Battlefield (Main Mix)
8.Dawn of Destiny (Main Mix)
9.The Underworld (Main Mix)
10.With Great Courage (Main Mix)
11.Heaven and Hell (Main Mix)
12.Deep Inside (Main Mix)
13.Breaking Cover (Main Mix)
14.Man of Steel (No Vocals)
15.City of Night (Main Mix)
16.Manhunt (Main Mix)
17.Rise to Power (No Vocals)
18.City of Night (No Vocals)
19.Age of Empires (No Vocals)
20.Manhunt (No Vocals)
21.Dawn of Destiny (No Vocals)
22.Heaven and Hell (No Vocals)
23.Heading for Battle (No Vocals)
24.The Edge of Darkness (No Vocals)
25.Breaking Cover (No Vocals)
26.The Edge of Darkness (Main Mix)
27.Electrical Storm (Main Mix)
28.Man of Steel (Percussion Mix)
29.Battlefield (No Vocals)
30.With Great Courage (No Vocals)
31.Rise to Power (Main Mix)
32.Deep Inside (No Vocals)
33.Rise to Power (Percussion Mix)
34.Dawn of Destiny (Percussion Mix)
35.Heading for Battle (Percussion Mix)
36.With Great Courage (Percussion Mix)
37.Battlefield (Percussion Mix)
38.Breaking Cover (Percussion Mix)
39.Dark Warrior (Percussion Mix)
40.The Underworld (Percussion Mix)
41.Relentless Pursuit (Percussion Mix)
42.Heaven and Hell (Percussion Mix)
43.City of Night (Percussion Mix)
44.Deep Inside (Percussion Mix)
45.The Edge of Darkness (Percussion Mix)
47.Boomer 1
48.Kinetic (Percussion Mix)
49.Age of Empires (Percussion Mix)
50.Boomer 2
51.Building Mystery Drone
52.Building Tribal Toms 1
53.Building Tribal Toms 2
54.Eerie Bamboo Scrape
55.Deep String Bass Chord
56.Electric FX with Rise
57.Manhunt (Percussion Mix)
58.Exotic Hand Percussion
59.FX and Hits
60.End Hit
61.Haunting Slam FX
62.Heavy Drone
63.Hit and Orch Rise
64.Horror Hiss Boomer
65.Evil Rises and Slams
66.Haunting Rise and Hits
67.Orchestral Rise 2
68.Power Toms
69.Pounding Toms
70.Orchestral Rise 1
71.Space Drone Rising
72.Short Drone
73.Haunting Choir Hiss
74.Slam and Rise
75.Short Glass Drone
76.Stab Hits
77.Tribal Drums
78.Tribal Toms
79.String Fall Down
80.Wind Down