The More Colors That You Eat

The more colors that you eat the further you will go
你吃的食物颜色越丰富 你就会越健康
The more colors that you eat the stronger you will go
你吃的食物颜色越丰富 你就会变得越强壮
Have some orange oranges some squash and carrots do
吃一些橘色食物 比如橘子 南瓜和胡萝卜
Red Tomatos white milk and blueberry are blue
红色的西红柿 白色的牛奶 以及蓝色的蓝莓
The more colors that you eat the further you will go
你吃的食物颜色越丰富 你就会越健康
The more colors that you eat the stronger you will go
你吃的食物颜色越丰富 你就会变得越强壮
You can make up every meal rainbow
You can eat every color you know
你知道吗 你可以吃每一种颜色
Graving tendering mangoes black Cherries
Many persons like Lemons are yellow,like marry.
很多人都喜欢吃的柠檬是黄色的, 像玛丽就喜欢吃柠檬
The more colors that you eat the further you will go
你吃的食物颜色越丰富 你就会越健康
The more colors that you eat the stronger you will go
你吃的食物颜色越丰富 你就会变得越强壮
最后 希望这首可爱的歌让你开心 祝身体健康
2.Gravity Always Brings Me Down
3.The More Colors That You Eat
4.Taking Turns
5.Thank You