Linger With Pleasure (Sketches Version)

I'll rent a house somewhere
I'll listen to Biosphere
and all I see there
a straight line in the atmosphere
every hour will be longer
and I'll linger with pleasure
the only visitor I will invite
is the whispering wind or the sunlight
I'll leave all disturbants at home
the evening papers and the telephone
but I'll bring my memories
despite everything
I hope life will miss me
maybe this is wishful thinking
and maybe I'll just keep on sinking
but sometimes it's enough to know
that there is a place where everything is on hold
where the hours will be longer
and I'll linger with pleasure
1.My Baby's Arms (Sketches Version)
2.Miss Moaning (Sketches Version)
3.Linger With Pleasure (Sketches Version)
4.Don't Leave (Sketches Version)
5.Gillian (Sketches Version)
6.Round Table Conference (Sketches Version)
7.Armour (Sketches Version)
8.Raise My Head (Sketches Version)
9.Lullaby For Grown-Ups (Sketches Version)
10.Changing Of The Seasons (Sketches Version)
11.Ten Seconds (Sketches Version)
12.The Puzzle (Sketches Version)
13.The Fall (Sketches Version)
14.My Star (Sketches Version)
15.The Treehouse Song (Sketches Version)