Ain't no feeling bounded
无拘无束 一身轻松
Rhythm note around it
节奏音符 潺潺流动
Seemed like temptation and attraction kinda naked
魅力难挡 赤裸作弄
All these words in this original is real no lie
直来直往 开诚布公
Promise me or let us make a deal rewind
单曲循环 烂歌清空
Immaculate my face
最靓的仔 鬼斧神工
Gonna do some rap ****
想给你听 我的汹涌
Melody I made arbitrarily gets you addicted
过耳不忘 一击即中
Doesn't matter who's the lover in your dream too tight
旧时春闺梦里人 无影无踪
Dress up and follow me to the street tonight
说走就走 今夜与共