I can see it in your eyesyou don't love meand though you tried to hidehide it from me
I know i can see the truthso easy to love you in the beginningand so easy to play the foolcuz i was willingbut it's over nowwhen loving you was easywhen loving you was easytried to make it hard for mestill i stuck aroundi was set on loving youand no matter what you didi stuck through itwhen loving you was easywhy'd you make it harderwhy'd you make it hard for mewhen i stuck aroundwishing that you'd would come aroundoh, you made it easy for me to leave youit could have been so easy cuzmy heart was easy to give yalike second naturelovin you was systematiclike i was an addictit hurt me but i couldn't get enoughit's like you hated me aroundbut when i left you couldn't stand itand you needed me aroundbut i can't take the ups and downsit's one thing that i foundi gotta get over youwhen loving you was easywhen loving you was easytried to make it hard for mewhen i stuck aroundhopin that you'd come aroundand no matter what you didi stuck through itwhen loving you was easyso why'd you make it harderwhy'd you make it hard for mewhen i stuck aroundwishing that you'd come aroundcuz now you made it easy for me to leave youi gave you everything i haddidn't ask you for anything that i didn't give you myselfif you didn't want to say (hey hey)that was all you had to saycuz although i used to love youand need youyou knew that i knew we couldn't last for longand i didn't mean to bring the choir to let you know you were wrongwhen loving you was easywhen loving you was easyya tried to make it hard for mewhen i stuck aroundhopin that you'd come aroundand no matter what you didi stuck through it allwhen loving you was easywhy'd you make it harderwhy'd you make it hard for meand i stuck aroundwishing that you'd come around (but i'm tired now)and that's why i'm leavin youi'm leavin youi'm leavin you