Cadaveric Metamorphose

Necrotic plasma in cellular decay
Rotting enzymes, autolysified remains
Fetid pyosis oozing thru the flesh
Brooding parasites, ebullition in the dead
Disintegrated, and decomposed
As maggot munch-metamorphosed
Voracious turmoil of starving grubs
Masticating innards, drinking all the pus
Devoured carcasses, bones is all that left
Procreating larvs, spawn of death
1.Feasting on Purulence
2.Frenzied Genital Carbonization
3.Disgorging Innards
5.Antemortem Thanatopraxis
6.Excruciating Denervation of the Limbar Spine
7.Edible Necrectomy
8.Cadaveric Metamorphose
9.Intravenous Molestation of the Obstructionist Arteries (O-Pus V)
10.Surgical Extravaganza
11.Furtive Dissection
12.Syndicate of Sickness
13.Apology for Pathology