Dying on a Mass of Chyme and Rancid Excrement

Down in the
Carnal Abbyss...
Dying in this putrid place
Pale dissected bodies rot...
Minced, disemboweled and partially defleshed
Dying on a mass of chyme
Floating on a mass of rancid excrement
Fear of the pathologists
In the Putritorium they will never find me
I'm still alive...
But rot is infecting my tissues... crawling through melting innards... on faecal sludge
My Body is covering by festers and pus
Dying on a mass of chyme
Floating on a mass of rancid excrement
Blinded by the
Ammonium mist
The putrid effluvium...
I can't resist
The carnal abyss...
The secretions of the dead are dripping and my skin is turning grey
Loathing desperation...
I'm going to escape
Get out of this pile of rotting entrails
Dying on a mass of chyme
Floating on a mass of rancid excrement
Decompositive abbyss
2.I'm a Pathologist
3.Cirrhoetic Liver Distillation
4.Witness of Postmortem Violence
5.Dying on a Mass of Chyme and Rancid Excrement
6.Set the Morgue on Fire
7.A Cataleptic Rapture
8.Enshrouded In Putrilage
9.Surgery for the Dead
10.Necrotic Garbage
11.Dawn in the Rotting Paradise
12.Treasures of Anatomy
13.Aftertaste of Putrefaction
14.Worminfested Cavities