Six feet down rot sets in
Putrefactive bacteria (Grows) under the marbled skin
Acid liqid liquids and enzimes are released
Self maceration by stale corpse fluids
Deteriorated corpse... by necrosis
Rebellious mass of grubs... Decom-poser!!!!
Swarming maggots-spoiling the dead
Hungry insects worm-eaten brain
Molten innards-fermented juices
Rancid carrion-munched into pulp
Sarco-blasters, larval plague
Maggots buzzing into the grave
Ashes to ashes, flesh to dust
Cadaver's turned into a pile of grubs!!!!
Deteriorated corpse... by necrosis
Rebellious mass of grubs... Decom-poser!!!!
1.I'm a Pathologist
2.Grotesque Embryopathology
3.Disgorging Innards
4.Postnecrotical Slaughter
5.Feasting on Purulence
6.Unlock the Morgue
8.Mortuary Riot
9.Rectovaginal Fistula
10.Poppy-Seed Cake
11.Pyosisified (Rotten to the Gore)
12.Exquisite Eschatology
15.Excavating the Iliac Fossa
16.Putrefaction (I Still Remind)
17.Enshrouded in Putrilage
18.Treasures of Anatomy
19.Surgery for the Dead
20.Slithering Maceration of Ulverous Facial Tissue
21.The Sickening Aroma of a Rectal Carcinoma
22.Cirrhoetic Liver Distillation
23.Worm-Infested Cavities
24.Zu Atrapatu Arte
26.Uncontrollableproliferation of Neoplasm
28.Incinerator of Cadaveric Leftovers
29.Excavating the Iliac Fossa
30.Malignant Cancroid Formation
31.Fermented Postmortem Disgorgement
32.Cadaveric Metamorphose
34.Via-Anal Introspection