(musick - Matt Harvey; lyrixxx - Ross Sewage, 1996)
Fastened down and secured to the operating table, With scalpels and cutlery I
will work upon your aesthetics, A most afflictive process you are made to
endure, Without the solacing service of a general anasthetic... Forcibly
penetrating the palpebra, I gouge and cut into the ciliary body, Severing the
nerve, your eye is knocked from its orbit, As you can plainly see...
Dissatisfied with your over all being, I formulate a plan of operation, A
large incision into the abdomen is made, To perform general enucleation... I
give you an apendectomy, Removing organs unnecessary, A spare kidney is
excised, In pain you writhe... (chorus) I slice the renal artery,
Gastro-intestinal-otomy, Digestive tract dislocation, Subjected to
enucleation... With monocular vision you can now regard, The constituents of
your gut I have displaced, Depurating the shell, your thorax beautifully
carved, Your abdomen now a barren landscape... Fracturing the rib cage with a
raspatory, As your gullet is gorged with sanguineous muco-sputter, Not yet
complete curtailing your anatomy, I delve to the heart of the matter...
Exhuming your entrails, Discarded organs grow stale, Severing the ventricle,
Your heart I cull... chorus...
1.Open the Abscess
3.Postmortem Procedures
4.Limb from Limb
5.Sepulchural Slaughter
6.Blazing Corpse
7.Vagitarian II
8.Deadest of the Dead
9.Sodomy and Lust
10.Death Mask
11.Casket Krusher
13.In My Human Slaughterhouse