You woke up this morning
With a disease
The doctor said you will be dead
By the time you're 30
Well if they find a cure
you just might be saved
But by the time they find a cure
You could be in a grave
You have a disease
And you will die
The time has come
For you to cry
Spreading all through
You're head
Pretty soon you
Will be dead
You can't escape
It's a gruesome fate
All you can do
Is wait
In your grave
You'll decay
Because of a disease
That took you away
You died this morning
From your disease
They found you dead in your bed
At age 20
They didn't find a cure
And you weren't saved
So I guess you'll have to
Decompose in your head
You have a disease
And you will die
The time has come
For you to cry
Spreading all through
You're head
Pretty soon you
Will be dead
You can't escape
It's a gruesome fate
All you can do
Is wait
In your grave
You'll decay
Because of a disease
That took you away
1.Holiday of Horror
2.Fritz Haarmann the Butcher
3.Evil Ole Soul
4.Harvey Glatman (Your Soul Will Forever Rot)
8.I Need to Kill
9.Ultra Violent
10.Rat Man
11.Hey Laurie Dann
12.Patrick Purdy Killed Five and Wounded Thirty
14.DR. Holmes (He Stripped Their Bones)
15.The Green River Murderer (He's Still out There)
16.Funeral Home
18.Natural Disaster
20.Trampled to Death