The Tempest, Z.631 / Act 4:Air (Dorinda) "Dear Pretty Youth"

1."If Music be the Food of Love", Z.379
2.King Richard II, Z581 / Act 4:Song "Retir'd from any Mortal's Sight"
3.The Tempest, Z.631 / Act 4:Air (Dorinda) "Dear Pretty Youth"
4.Overture [Timon of Athens, Z.632]
5.Timon of Athens, Z.632 / The Masque:1. Duet "Hark! How the Songsters of the Grove"
6.Timon of Athens, Z.632 / The Masque:2. Solo "Love in their little Veins Inspires"
7.Timon of Athens, Z.632 / The Masque:3. Trio "But ah! How Much are our Delights"
8.Timon of Athens, Z.632 / The Masque:4 & 5. Solo & Chorus "Hence with your Trifling Deity"
9.Timon of Athens, Z.632 / The Masque:9. Solo "The Cares of Lovers"
10.Timon of Athens, Z.632 / The Masque:7. Chorus "Who can Resist such Mighty Charms"
11.Timon of Athens, Z.632 / The Masque:8. Solo "Return, Revolting Rebels"
12.Timon of Athens, Z.632 / The Masque:11 & 12. Duet & Chorus "Come, let us agree"
13.Timon of Athens, Z.632 / The Masque:10. Solo "Love Quickly is Pall'd"
14.Timon of Athens, Z.632 / The Masque:6. Solo "Come all, Come all to Me"