Can you see the light shine on my boots
Bullwhip on my hip
I’ve been looking for you
The night is young and I’m wanting to play
Let’s start up a game in the alley way
Yeah I’ve got nine lives
I’m a terror by night
Can you hear my cat call against every night fall
It’s the click
The clack
The crack of the whip
I’m a feral switchblade and I’ll never miss
You know I’m not one to fake it
Yeah, I’ve already made it
When the clock strikes 12, yeah you’ll see the real me
We only come out at night
2345 We’ve got nine lives
Count em’
6667 All bad girls go to heaven
A trail of feathers and blood on the street Black cat on the prowl 
And I’m ready to leap 
I sway my hips 
like a hungry little stray
Come and watch me pounce on my next prey 
Yeah, I’ve got nine lives
I’m a Siren by night
Can you hear my cat call against every night fall
It’s the 
Bang Bang Bang
Bang Bang Bang
I’m a feral switchblade and i’ll never miss
Pussy cat pussy cat
Where have you been?
I’ve been up to London to look at the queen
Pussy cat Pussy cat
What did you there?
I frightened a little mouse under her chair.
After a day in disguise I’m ready for a fight
My mortal enemy is waiting for me
Kill me once, you better kill me twice
I’m not afraid bitch, i’ve got nine lives