Whate'er is born of mortal birth
Must be consumed with the earth
To rise from generation free;
Then what have I to do with thee!
It is raised a spiritual body
It is raised a spiritual body
It is raised a spiritual body
It is raised a spiritual body
The ***es sprung from shame & pride
Blow'd in the morn: in evening died
But mercy changed death into sleep;
The ***es rose to work & weep
It is raised a spiritual body
It is raised a spiritual body
It is raised a spiritual body
It is raised a spiritual body
Thou mother of my mortal part
With cruelty didst mould my heart
And with false self-deceiving tears
Didst bind my nostrils eyes & ears
It is raised a spiritual body
It is raised a spiritual body
It is raised a spiritual body
It is raised a spiritual body
Didst close my tongue in senseless clay
And me to mortal Life betray:
The death of Jesus set me free
Then what have I to do with thee!
It is raised a spiritual body
It is raised a spiritual body
It is raised a spiritual body
It is raised a spiritual body
1.Love Conquers All
2.Erotisk Tillägnan
3.Ode to the Beloved and Impaired
4.Harvesting the Crop, the Chaste Verdict of Negligence
5.Apocalypse Kisses, Commemorating My Summer Solstice
6.To Tirzah
7.Beloved Kitty and the Piercing Bolts of Amor
8.Advancement and Demoralization
9.Rituals of Love in the Passage of Genocide, Song of Rose
10.My Felicity of Midwinter