This Is Radio Etienne

{insert the usual apologies for a lack of accents.}
Il n'y a pas grand monde ce soir, deux mille spectateurs environ, a toute a l'heur.
Inter football, france football. une emission du service des sports presente par jaques vendou(?).
Inter football, france football. presente en direct du stade de saint ouen - que, non saint etienne!
1.Kiss And Make Up (Sarah Cracknell Version)
2.Only Love Can Break Your Heart
3.Nothing Can Stop Us
5.Carnt Sleep
6.Studio Kinda Filthy
7.Girl VII
8.London Belongs To Me
9.She's The One
10.This Is Radio Etienne
12.Etienne Gonna Die
14.Like The Swallow
15.Dilworth's Theme
16.Kiss And Make Up (Extended Version)
17.Chase HQ
18.Sally Space
19.Stoned To Say The Least
20.The Reckoning
21.Winter In America
23.People Get Real
24.Parliament Hill
25.Sweet Pea
26.Fake 88
27.Sky's Dead