The Curse Of Evolution

What's the point in searching for a life that cannot be?
Can anyone experience fwe happines?
A life of thinking
Would it do any good?
Or woudl I still be struggling with the same questions?
Am I ignorant?
If so, where is the bliss?
A life without thinking or a life without living
Exhaustive options in a modern life?
A life without thinking or a life without living
Intelligence leading to stupidity
How do you keep a mind from wondering?
How do you keep a mind from wondering?
Questions above all men
Answers an illusion. The curse of evolution.
I wish that I could turn back time
And live a million years ago
For surley we were better off
Before we started thinking...
1.Distorted Mind
2.Sketches Of Reality
3.No Purpose In Life
4.The Curse Of Evolution