Storms calm neon skies
Still chilling winds roam the nulear wastes
Haunting the conscience of a forgotten existence
Civilisation's mistake
Peace at last takes it's grip on the land
For a moment time stands still
Existing in the debris of bygone wars
Hope breeds an incentive not to kill
Existence declines, extinction mankind
A lifetime of time slips away
Resurrect mankind sacrificed to power
From ruins to the birth of a new reality
Rising from the ashes of past destruction
Civilisations, new existence
Lost in a void without future or past
Shattered mind in the presence of pain
Domineering desolation
Controlling the solitary plains
Existence declines, extinction mankind
A lifetime of time slips away
Darkest fears dwell in man's mind
Insight to depths of what will be
Reclaimation from the paths of destruction
From ruins to the birth of a new reality
Construction from destruction
Bringing back life to mankind
Rebuilding an existence sacrificed for power
A future with hope to find
Existence declines, extinction mankind
A lifetime of time slips away
Existence -
Declines Extinction (of)
Mankind Lifetime -
Of time Now slips -