Sunday Morning

Sunday Morning - Maroon 5
Written by:Adam Levine/Jesse Carmichael
Sunday morning rain is falling星期天早晨的雨在下着
Steal some covers share some skin洗刷了某些遮盖物,又重新的覆盖了新的
Clouds are shrouding us in moments unforgettable云层环绕在你我之间,这段时光是那么的无法遗忘
You twist to fit the mold that I am in若我就此爱上了你,我便再无法像以前那样
But things just get so crazy living life gets hard to do但在我们的生活变得艰辛的时候 这一切都变得不那么真实
And I would gladly hit the road get up and go if I knew但是如果让我知道有一天
That someday it would lead me back to you这将指引我重新来到你身边
That someday it would lead me back to you这将指引我重新来到你身边
That may be all I need这可能就是我所需要的全部
In darkness she is all I see在那些暗无天日的岁月里 她就是我所看见的全部
Come and rest your bones with me请来到我的身边
Driving slow on Sunday morning让星期天的早晨过的慢一点吧
And I never want to leave我从来没想过要离开过
Fingers trace your every outline我的手指跟随着你所有的轮廓
Paint a picture with my hands用我自己的手绘制出美好的图画
Back and forth we sway like branches in a storm我们前前后后的摇摆就如同在暴风雨里面的飘动的树枝
Change the weather still together when it ends当暴风雨过后 我们还是在一起
That maybe all I need这可能就是我所需要的全部
In darkness she is all I see在那些暗无天日的岁月里 她就是我所看见的全部
Come and rest your bones with me请来到我的身边
Driving slow on Sunday morning让星期天的早晨过的慢一点吧
And I never want to leave我从来没想过要离开过
But things just get so crazy living life gets hard to do但在我们的生活变得艰辛的时候 这一切都变得不那么真实
Sunday morning rain is falling and I'm calling out to you星期天早晨的雨在下着,我呼唤着你名字
Singing someday it'll bring me back to you高声唱着 总有一天我会带你回到我的身边
Find a way to bring myself back home to you总有一天我会带你回到我的身边
May not know that maybe all I need你也许不知道那就是我需要的全部
In darkness she is all I see在那些暗无天日的岁月中,她就是我看见的全部
Come and rest your bones with me请留下与我在一起
Driving slow on Sunday morning让星期天的早晨过的慢一些吧
Driving slow oooh yeah yeah过的再慢一些吧
Ah yeah yeah
Ah yeah yeah
Ah yeah yeah
Ah yeah yeah
Ah yeah yeah
It's flower in your hair让我摘朵花在你的发间
I'm a flower in your hair让我摘朵花在你的发间
Ah yeah yeah
Ah yeah yeah
Ah yeah
Yeah yeah
Yeah yeah
Yeah yeah
1.Sunday Morning