只有分离 Only Separate

1.爱的路上千万里 Ten million miles on the love road
2.跨越世界的河流 Cross over the river of the worlds
3.我俩永隔一江水 Separated by a river forever
4.男人的好 Goodness of a man
5.爱人 Lover
6.蓝眼泪 Blue tear
7.卓玛 The beautiful girl
8.月满西楼 Month full of west building
9.一如往昔 Just as the past
10.只有分离 Only Separate
11.只欠秋天 Only short of autumn
12.家乡 Hometown
13.相思比梦长 Miss is longer than dream
14.在路上 On the road
15.最远的你是我最近的爱 Farthest you are my recent love