阴雨连绵不绝 勇敢地迈步前行
在梦魇般的黑夜中 轻轻捧起一束微光
Step forward bravery in the rain that does not cease
足迹绘出的人生如此美妙 双瞳映现的未来却朦胧不清
Hold the light gently in the fearful dark
我愈是探寻其蕴含的深意 心灵就愈是被空虚占据
The trails drawing beautiful days, the eyes reflect on the vague future
The more I seek its meaning, the void fills my heart
为得知真相 诅咒在我的手臂上蔓延
看透这光明的世间 从而心怀梦想
Seeing the new dawn of the dreamers a far
纵使你仍未寻得真相 祝福依然会伴你左右
(The time always comes)
纵使我曾告诉过你真相 我的意志也会坚定不移
For knowing the truth, the curse turned my arm black
Seeing through this lucent world, embracing my hope
从此我紧闭双眼 沉溺这无尽的幻梦当中...
I just pray...
Even if you don't find the truth, the blessings will reach you
For that world is everything of you
Even if I were told the truth, my mind won't sway
As the truth do make my new world
Sin for ignorance, curses of knowing
Resting in the illusions with eyes deeply closed