We gotta rise, let's rise
我们定要崛起 同心协力
We gotta rise, let's rise, above the lies
我们定要崛起 超越谎言 同心协力
It's you and I, it's do or die
关乎你和我 行动或陨落
We gotta rise, let's rise, above the lies
我们定要崛起 超越谎言 同心协力
We gotta rise, let's rise
我们定要崛起 同心协力
We gotta rise, let's rise, above the lies
我们定要崛起 超越谎言 同心协力
It's you and I, it's do or die
关乎你和我 行动或陨落
We gotta rise, let's rise, above the lies
我们定要崛起 超越谎言 同心协力
每年每天 有所不同
Everyday it's not the same
看我干吗 是怪我咯
You look to me I'm not to blame
免责声明 全球通用
The planet has its own disclaimers
I don't know why
这些话我没说过 美女拜托别胡说
Don't quote me on that pretty please
I swear that you're a rotten sleaze
And sell you to the public as a spy
我们定要崛起 同心协力
我们定要崛起 超越谎言 同心协力
We gotta rise, let's rise
关乎你和我 行动或陨落
We gotta rise, let's rise, above the lies
我们定要崛起 超越谎言 同心协力
It's you and I, it's do or die
我们定要崛起 同心协力
We gotta rise, let's rise, above the lies
我们定要崛起 超越谎言 同心协力
We gotta rise, let's rise
关乎你和我 行动或陨落
We gotta rise, let's rise, above the lies
我们定要崛起 超越谎言 同心协力
It's you and I, it's do or die
你看这边 你看那边
We gotta rise, let's rise, above the lies
天平失衡 你看不见
世界就是盘中牡蛎 他们放言
You look this way, you look that way
吃多少 随便!
So you can't see the balance sway
振作一点 擤擤鼻涕
The world's your oyster what they say
你懂故事 怎样继续
All you can eat
裤子落地 撅起
But keep it cool and blow your nose
You know the way the story goes
我们定要崛起 同心协力
You drop your pants and touch your toes
我们定要崛起 超越谎言 同心协力
With… pride?
关乎你和我 行动或陨落
我们定要崛起 超越谎言 同心协力
We gotta rise, let's rise
我们定要崛起 同心协力
We gotta rise, let's rise, above the lies
我们定要崛起 超越谎言 同心协力
It's you and I, it's do or die
关乎你和我 行动或陨落
We gotta rise, let's rise, above the lies
我们定要崛起 超越谎言 同心协力
We gotta rise, let's rise
十万美元的鸟儿 演唱披头士未发布的歌
We gotta rise, let's rise, above the lies
女人的文胸爆裂! 11人受伤
It's you and I, it's do or die
We gotta rise, let's rise, above the lies
Hundred thousand dollar bird sings unrecorded Beatles' song
又是一场 无趣游戏
Woman's bra bursts, 11 injured
没人留下 供我出气
Boy born with dog head
孩子长大 朋友无趣
Mother gives birth to a ghost of Big Foot
我的人生 乌烟瘴气
Wow… what?
Just another boring game
开关已就位 滚蛋吧再会
There's no one left for me to blame
My kids are grown, my friends are lame
我们定要崛起 同心协力
My life's a mess
我们定要崛起 超越谎言 同心协力
And though I reek of huge success
关乎你和我 行动或陨落
I'll glance once more at my hairy chest
我们定要崛起 超越谎言 同心协力
Push the button, kiss my ass goodbye
我们定要崛起 同心协力
我们定要崛起 超越谎言 同心协力
关乎你和我 行动或陨落
We gotta rise, let's rise
我们定要崛起 超越谎言 同心协力 【娇妮待扑字幕组】译制
We gotta rise, let's rise, above the lies
It's you and I, it's do or die
We gotta rise, let's rise, above the lies
We gotta rise, let's rise
We gotta rise, let's rise, above the lies
It's you and I, it's do or die
We gotta rise, let's rise, above the lies
1.Who's Laughing Now
2.The Boogieman Surprise
3.You Can't Put Your Arms Around a Memory
4.We Gotta Rise
5.People Who Died
7.Good People Are Hard to Find
8.I Want My Now
9.The Wrong Bandage
10.How the Glass Fell
11.Welcome to Bushwackers
12.A Pitiful Beauty
13.New Threat
14.Git from Round Me
15.Mr. Spider