Different Kind Of Love

Driving in a trance through your lost and lonely town
恍惚着 穿过你迷失且孤独的小镇
Something in the air that could blow your whole house down
远方的风 可以吹倒你的房屋
Something like a tragedy
像是 悲剧一场
Something that you think you need
你在想 究竟需要着什么
Turning on a dime you pull into your local store
路灯昏黄 你把车开进当地商店
Aisles going by and you forget what you're looking for
经过过道 你忘记了在找什么
Maybe it's a pot of gold
Maybe you're too lost to know
或许 你迷失着 一无所知吗
Maybe what you need is a different kind of love
或许 你在找寻着 与众不同的爱
One that you have never seen
视野之内 未曾触及
Maybe all you are is a part of a star on a long journey
漫漫旅途 或许 你只是一颗星的一部分
Maybe what you need is a better kind of love
也许 你需要一种更好 小心翼翼捧在手心的爱
One that you could only dream
这是你 唯一的梦想
Maybe it will take all the sorrow away
大概 它会带走你所有伤悲
And let you feel free
赠予你 难以名状的自由
Nothing like a storm in your heart to wake you up
只有心中的暴风雨 让你清醒
Someone by your side and you know their not enough
人潮来来往往 你知道的 你要的不在这里
Maybe you should try and stay
或许 要试图留下来吗
Maybe you should walk away
Maybe what you need is a different kind of love
你知道的 你在找寻着那个迷路已久的 对的人
One that you have never seen
她也还在 奔向你的路上
Maybe all you are is a part of a star on a long journey
漫漫旅途 或许 你只是一颗星的一部分
Maybe what you need is a better kind of love
也许 你需要一种更契合的爱
One that you could only dream
这是你 唯一的梦想
Maybe it will take all the sorrow away
它会带走 你所有憾事
And let you feel free
赠予你 难以名状的自由
Maybe you wake up to a brighter sun
你醒来 在放晴的天
Voices in your head screaming now the change has come
脑海中 一个声音尖叫着 你知道的 你开始变了
With a different kind of love
以一种 无与伦比的爱
Maybe what you need is a different kind of love
你知道的 你在找寻着那个迷路已久的 对的人
One that you have never seen
她也还在 奔向你的路上
Maybe all you are is a part of a star on a long journey
漫漫旅途 或许 你只是一颗星的一部分
Maybe what you need is a different kind of love
也许 你需要 一种更好的爱
Maybe all you are is a part of a star on a long journey
漫漫旅途 或许 你只是一颗星的一部分
Maybe what you need is a better kind of love
也许 你需要 更无与伦比且契合的爱
Maybe it will take all the sorrow away and let you feel free
赠予你 难以名状的自由
1.Let It Rain
2.Get It Right
3.Changing Us
4.Stupid For Your Love
5.The Fall
6.The Lucky Ones
7.Anything For You
8.Different Kind Of Love
9.Nothing For Granted
10.Your Beating Heart
11.Coming Up
12.Emerald Sky