I use a lot of twilight by far
Bring Night! Bring the night on!
带来夜晚 夜晚快来
Bring a little bit of dance bring a little bit of song! Yea!
来一支热舞 来一首快歌
Bring NIght! Bring the night on!
带来夜晚 夜晚快来
I'm not sure I can wait and this day has felt so long. Yea.
我等不及了 白天是如此漫长
Bring Night! Bring the night on!
带来夜晚 夜晚快来
The music cuts into me and I know it can't be wrong. Yea
动感的音乐已经唤醒了我 我知道这不会错
Bring Night! Bring the night on!
带来夜晚 夜晚快来
Cuz all that we are after is alittle bit of fun. Yea
我们追求的 就是快乐
Chase your shadow til the sun goes down.
追逐你的影子 直到太阳下山
Chase your shadow til the sun goes down.
追逐你的影子 直到太阳下山
Ooohh oooohh whoooa ohhhh whoooa ohhhh ahhh
带来夜晚 夜晚快来
Bring Night! Bring the night on!
夜晚快快降临 快快轰走太阳
Bring me the moon and stars and send away the sun. Yea
带来夜晚 夜晚快来
Bring Night! Bring the night on!
如果我够幸运 就让我在你的怀中融化
Or maybe if I'm lucky I'll end up in your arms.
追逐你的影子 直到太阳下山
Chase your shadow til the sun goes down!
追逐你的影子 直到太阳下山
Chase your shadow til the sun goes down!
追逐你的影子 直到太阳下山
Ooohh oooohh whoooa ohhhh whoooa ohhhh ahhh
追逐你的影子 直到太阳下山
Chase your shadow til the sun goes down!
追逐你的影子 直到太阳下山
Chase your shadow til the sun goes down!
追逐你的影子 直到太阳下山
Chase your shadow til the sun goes down!
带来夜晚 夜晚快来
Chase your shadow til the sun goes down!
Ooohh oooohh whoooa ohhhh whoooa ohhhh ahhh
Bring Night! Bring the night on!
Thank You!Thank you~