Peters Does His Worst

1."Introduccion" (12 Monkeys Theme Reprise) / Giraffes & Flamingos
2."Introduccion" (Quest for 12 Monkeys)
3.I"Introduccion" From Suite Punta Del Este (12 Monkeys Theme)
4.Blueberry Hill
5.What a Wonderful World
6.Dreamers Awake
8.Peters Does His Worst
9."Introduccion" (Escape to Nowhere) / Scanner Room / Capture and Seduction
11.Earth Died Screaming
12.Silent Night
13.Cole's First Dream / Volunteer Duty / Topside
14.Spider Research / "Introduccion" (We Did It) / The Proposition
15.Time Confusion / To the Mental Ward / Planet Ogo
16.Cole's Third Dream
17.Wrong Number / Cole's Second Dream / Dormitory Spider / "Introduccion" (Twin Moons Tango)
19.Interrogation / Time Capsule / Cole Kidnaps Railly
20.Cole's Fourth Dream
21.Fateful Bullet / A Boot From the Trunk / Cole's Longing
22.Photo Search / Mission Brief
23.This Is My Dream / Cole's Call / Louis & Jose
24.Fugitives / Fateful Love / Home Dentistry
25.Back in '96