Nasty Leezzy
I got a story to tell you 我有个故事要分享给你
I know it gon be nasty 这故事或许会很肮脏
You know it got yoo many Feelin' involved 希望你知道 这一切都掺杂了很多的情感
I finally made it 我终于完成它了
“Dark Galaxy
” “暗黑银河”
Young Leezzy still do what he gotta do 我依旧在做我应该做的事
And this young dreamer ain't need nobody to tell him what he gotta do 并且我不需要任何人对我指手画脚
“Nasty Leezzy” “脏荔枝”
If U're Listening 如果你在听的话
19 years old,god still blessin' me 上帝眷顾我了十九年,我相信会一直庇佑下去
He's above me i gotta focus on my mind 虽逆水行舟,但成功一定是我的宿命
I grew up in a house full of pretty hoes 我在烟花柳巷长大
And I'm sure they're ready for a ride 也确信她们随时都会准备赚上一笔
It's funny I used to wonder why when I lookin' back 我曾在回首往事时常感到不解
Now I know they do it for the money 如今我知道她们是为了生存
It's what it is so they slidin' every night 现实就是如此,她们才会夜夜笙歌
But sometimes I'm askin myself you know 我经常会问自己
It's good or not to spit these deep inside shit in the public 是否应该将这些东西诉诸于你
So you guys see it 如今我确信我就是上帝选中的那片云彩
Right now I'm proud of who the fck am I 我对现在的我十分自豪
I really mean it 我可没在跟你们开玩笑
Dark Galaxy,A whole galaxy i created 暗黑银河,一个我创造的世界
This shit is hot whatever you call it A album or a mixtape 不管你叫它是一张专辑还是混音带,它都是我的心血
Young leezzy nasty so icy that's me myself and I 年轻的我带着刺,从不爱演
I'maa say it twice I'm proud of who the fck Am I 我是个男人,听不见那些杂音
U know I won't switchin' side 所以我不会改变立场,违背自己的信念
If you wanna talk to me 如果你想跟我谈谈
My mean a real talk 我是说,一个真正的交流
So just sittin' by my side 去把那窗帘拉下来
If you wanna know more little bit 'bout me 如果你想了解的更多
I swear he won't lies 我也保证不会撒谎
I ain't really want that bust down rolly my car is foreign 虽然已经比那些崽儿更有样,但我对此不太感兴趣
I just want a cozy nest with autoTune and cigarettes 我可能会离开故乡,但我没法离开街区
A beautiful girl I can call her baby 以后一会有个合拍的妹儿
Then we have a cute baby 和她一起养一个可爱的孩子
I guess she has an afro body of model 我想她一定美到心碎
No doubt she's more pretty in person 不用去猜,她本人肯定比照片更动人
If you're listenin' this man 古墓客,我们是兄弟,情同手足
My homies,I know you guys love me 肝胆相照,我们绝对所向披靡
Thanks for my ex 谢谢我的前任
I can understand why you can't forgive me 如今我也明了你为何对我一直喋喋不休
And for all the people,If you diggin' my sht 还有在听的你
If you're listenin' this,Man 如果你听得懂
Would you jumpin' in the galaxy with me? 跟我一起去暗黑银河吧
Mom 老妈
I won't **** up this time fck up once again 我发誓,这一次我不会再搞砸了
Your son is hustlin' 有种情愫一直在促我向前
Yeah I'm hustlin' for you for my daddy 知道有人想让我出局,失败
For all the people who trust me 但我一直会为你们的祝福而努力
You raised a good child 您养育了一个好孩子
I swear 我保证
1.Nasty Leezzy
3.7.59PM Freestyle(Intro)
4.Letter From Satan
5.Penny Aiko
6.Syrup Coast
7.Holy Night
8.Air Force 2
9.Icy A Boy!