Book of Songs, Book 2: Fine Knacks for Ladies

1.Ludi musici, Part I: No 21. Galliard battaglia
2.Lachrimae, "Seaven Teares": XXI. The King of Denmarks Galiard
3.Book of Songs, Book 2: Flow, my tears, fall from your springs
4.Le Petit Bouquet de Frise Orientale: X. Padvana d'Aurick
5.Susanne un jour
6.Lachrimae, "Seaven Teares": XVI. M. Buctons Galiard
7.Galliarde 18
8.Book of Songs, Book 1: Can she excuse my wrongs
9.Lachrimae, "Seaven Teares": XIX. The Earle of ***** Galiard
10.Galathee: Soll't ich o Bild der Tugend nicht preisen
11.Allerhand Oden und Lieder: Weiber nehmen ist kein Pferdekauf
13.Book of Songs, Book 1: Come, heavy sleep
14.Book of Songs, Book 2: Fine Knacks for Ladies
15.Lachrimae, "Seaven Teares": XVIII. Captaine Digorie Piper his Galiard
16.Book of Songs, Book 1: If my complaints could passions move
17.Mr Knight's Galliard, P. 36: Knight's Galliard, P. 36
18.Terpsichore (arr. for chamber ensemble): Gaillarde CCCVII (arr. for chamber ensemble)
19.Mrs. Winter's Jump, P. 55
20.Terpsichore (arr. for chamber ensemble): Gaillarde CCC (arr. for chamber ensemble)
21.Book of Songs, Book 1: Come again, sweet love doth now invite