What's wrong with naked?"
"So, she went to start the car up or whatever
And I was walking out the club
And then he grabbed me or whatever
And he was like: "What's up?"
You know, whatever
At the time, you know
I wasn't pressing the issue or nothin'
So I pushed him away or whatever
But we all kick it together, you know
We're constantly making passes at each other and all that
So now I'm just like...
1.Sports, Not Heavy Crime
3.Funnybones & Lazylegs
4.6-Hours Starlight
5.Behind the Eightball
6.Single Stroke Ruffs
7.Treat Me Mean, I Need the Reputation
8.Relieved Beyond Repair
9.More Powah to Yah
10.Having Smarter Babies
11.Far-Flung Tonic
12.Happy Jizz Girls
13.Doubletalk Gets Through to You
14.Comatose Luck