it's makes me nauseous/这让我窒息
i almost lost consciousness /我失去知觉
gotta find a way out/想办法逃离
i don't know what is stopping me/我不知道是什么阻挡了我
gotta find a way to stop it /想办法停下
cus this shit stuck inside this shit bursting out my chest /因为这让我心跳停止使我窒息
you don't love me why/为什么你不爱我
why you caught me by surprise/为什么你让我心碎
caught me by surprise say you did it before /你让我一次次伤心
i can't rely on you cus i know you would do it again/我不能再依靠你 因为你还是那样
yeah this shit mess me up damn /是我搞砸了一切
it's fxxking up my brain damn /我神魂颠倒
my head can't contain and makes me go insane/控制不住情绪 快要疯掉
I got lovesick
I don’t know why
Do you love me
抱歉我浪费你时间idont want to say so
gotta find a way to stop it /想办法停下
cus this shit stuck inside this shit bursting out my chest /因为这让我心跳停止使我窒息
you don't love me why/为什么你不爱我
why you caught me by surprise/为什么你让我心碎
caught me by surprise say you did it before /你让我一次次伤心
i can't rely on you cus i know you would do it again/我不能再依靠你 因为你还是那样
yeah this shit mess me up damn /是我搞砸了一切
it's fxxking up my brain damn /我神魂颠倒
my head can't contain and makes me go insane/控制不住情绪 快要疯掉
i don't want you by my cus i don't live in the past/我不想重蹈覆辙
you say that you want me back cus i'm the best you have had/你说你让我回来 我是你的挚爱
to be honest i don't really want that/我真的不想那样
your making me nauseous and you know i don't love that/你让我窒息 我并想那样
say you got my back but you know i do not believe that/你会回来 我已不再相信
send me lot of messages you know i'm
gon delete that/给我发信息 我会把它删除
i don't wanna be the one who's gonna be worse/我不想成为比这更糟糕的人
it's not going to work/这行不通
if your now putting me first /除非把我放在第一位
give me one try/再给我一次机会
you know i'm boutta make it right /我想去改变 你知道吗
you just gotta pick sides/你只需要在我身边
you know i don't wanna fight/我不想再去争吵
gotta find a way to stop it /要想办法停下
cus this shit stuck inside this shit bursting out my chest /因为这让我心跳停止使我窒息
you don't love me why/为什么你不爱我
why you caught me by surprise/为什么你让我心碎
caught me by surprise say you did it before /你让我一次次伤心
i can't rely on you cus i know you would do it again/我不能再依靠你 因为你还是那样
yeah this shit mess me up damn /是我搞砸了一切
it's fxxking up my brain damn /我神魂颠倒
my head can't contain and makes me go insane/控制不住情绪 快要疯掉
2.Know me