Separate from You (feat. Powfu & Indii G.)

I was driving, you were hanging out the window
和你疾驰在无人公路 你趴在车窗边沉默不语
Switching gears, reminiscing about kid shows
回想起我们之间的幼稚把戏 我不自觉换挡提速
You were cool, we were chill, why'd you move on?
你找回理智 我们都已冷静 但为何还是无法挽回
Now it's just me, you with these blink 182 songs
现在就只有我和你 飞驰在这心碎公路 还有那182首循环的老歌
Whats next? Feel depressed eating breakfast(Lucky charms)
所以接下来呢?想到今后的每天都要独自吃早餐 我对这样的生活心灰意冷
No one to call, getting sick of watching Netflix(Paw Patrol)
不善社交的我 分手后无人诉苦 沉溺在网飞的肥皂剧里聊以度日
This about as far as I can see
这是到目前为止 能想到最坏的结局啊
Maybe this is why, my weeks feel
这大概就是为什么 我的时间好像无限延长
Longer and days feel dark
一周七天漫长无比 白天黑夜颠倒无常
Cracked my cellphone and crashed my car
摔碎了我的手机 撞坏了我的车
Think of everything that we both went through
想到曾经 全部的麻烦困难都有你和我一起面对
I'm sick of feeling separate from you
浑浑噩噩的我 却痛恨这样思念你的自己
My weeks feel longer and days feel dark
一周七天漫长无比 白天黑夜颠倒无常
Cracked my cellphone and crashed my car
摔碎了我的手机 撞坏了我的车
Think of everything that we both went through
想到曾经 全部的麻烦困难都有你和我一起面对
I'm sick of feeling separate from you
浑浑噩噩的我 却痛恨这样思念你的自己
Indii G.:
Bring it back, got this burning inside of me
如果 能让一切从头来过 我会处理好我所有的坏脾气
I think you're busy tryna learn my anatomy
好像一直以来 都是你在努力体谅理解愚蠢的我
We can chill watching 80's videos
'Cause it don't think there's somewhere else I would rather be
除了你的身边 我不愿在这无聊的世界多待一秒
But they try to make it hard, for sure yeah
You stole my aching heart, don't keep us apart
你偷走我破碎的心 让我痛不欲生 请别让我们面临分离的结局好吗?
Maybe we could be together some way
I be feeling sad and lonely all day
我终日魂不守舍 郁郁寡欢
I know it can seem we're drifting away
我知道 属于我们的曾经都被风吹散
But you and I both agree it's all fake
但在心底你我都明白 这不过是假象
Because you know me well
Better than I know myself
Although its hard to tell, yeah
唉 尽管不愿承认
Yeah I know
是啊 我明白
It's hard to tell, where I'm at, let's say it's awful
尽管不愿承认 但离开你的我 真的痛不欲生
It's off and on like it's rain but a downpour
Yeah I know, yeah I know
对不起 对不起 我知道
It's all my fault, I wanna talk
一切都是我的不好 我们还能好好谈一次吗?
I'm missing what we used to share
I miss the way you looked back
疯了般想念 你回头看着我的眼睛 对我笑
I miss the time that's been passed
疯了般想念 那些早已过去的岁月
I've been thinking back
翻来覆去 我思考着一切
We're meant to be
我们原本多么深爱 多么般配
Maybe this is why, my weeks feel
这大概就是为什么 我的时间好像无限延长
Longer and days feel dark
一周七天漫长无比 白天黑夜颠倒无常
Cracked my cellphone and crashed my car
摔碎了我的手机 撞坏了我的车
Think of everything that we both went through
想到曾经 全部的麻烦困难都有你和我一起面对
I'm sick of feeling separate from you
浑浑噩噩的我 却痛恨这样思念你的自己
My weeks feel longer and days feel dark
一周七天漫长无比 白天黑夜颠倒无常
Cracked my cellphone and crashed my car
摔碎了我的手机 撞坏了我的车
Think of everything that we both went through
想到曾经 全部的麻烦困难都有你和我一起面对
I'm sick of feeling separate from you
一分一秒 我都不想和你分离 回来好吗?
1.If I Die Tonight (feat. cøzybøy & thebreathingbackwards)
2.6th Grade (feat. Kuzu Mellow & Laeland)
3.Separate from You (feat. Powfu & Indii G.)