Thy ship must sail, WoO 153/20

1.Hide not thy anguish, WoO 155/16
2.Come, Darby dear, easy, be easy, WoO 153/17
3.To the Blackbird, WoO 155/20
4.The old strain, WoO 155/23
5.O might I but my Patrick love, WoO 153/16
6.Helpless Woman, WoO 155/13
7.Thy ship must sail, WoO 153/20
8.The parting kiss, WoO 155/25
9.The Dairy House, WoO 155/17
10.Musing on the roaring ocean, WoO 152/13
11.When mortals all to rest retire, WoO 155/15
12.No riches from his scanty store, WoO 153/2
13.Dim, dim is my eye, op. 108/6
14.The Fair Maid of Mona, WoO 155/6
15.Thou emblem of faith, WoO 152/11
16.Love without Hope, WoO 155/4
17.Sad and luckless was the season, WoO 153/6
18.The Vale of Clwyd, WoO 155/19
19.No more, my Mary, WoO 153/18
20.O let the night my blushes hide, WoO 155/7
21.Sweet Richard, WoO 155/18
22.Since greybeards inform us, WoO 153/4