Living life on the run it's a sad, short story
Been with my troubles from the day they killed Jory
Middle child of five but I'm wilder and I'm smarter,
我是史塔克家的老三 但我是最野性 最聪明的一个
Quick as a snake and calm as still water
迅捷如蛇 静如止水
After Joffrey made a martyr of my father,
I had to flee the city but my heart grew harder
我得逃出君临 但我的心智在成长
Got to get to Winterfell, Yoren knows the deal
我得回到临冬城 尤伦知道该怎么做
Cats soft like Lommy, all they want to do is yield,
For real. See, every wagon needs a wheel,
说真的 每辆车都需要轮子
And at ten, I stay sharp like castle-forged steel
十岁的时候 我就像城堡打造的精钢一样锋利
The Lannisters are looking and the Gold Cloaks came
兰尼斯特家族在搜寻 金袍子找了过来
They want to gut a boy, but Arya's not the name
他们想要抓走一个男孩 但艾莉亚不是他们要找的人
So we sent them packing, they came back in the night
我们把他们赶走 他们在晚上杀了回来
I put the axe in the wagon because the man can fight
我把斧头送进囚车里 因为某人可以战斗
Green boys outnumber, saw a few boys fall
They took all of us except Lommy back to black Harren's Hall
Watch it all come around as I lay on the ground,
Joffrey, Cersei, Ilyn Payne, the Hound
乔佛里 瑟曦 伊林派恩和猎狗
They all think I'm lost but I know where I'm found,
他们都认为我失踪了 但我知道我在哪里
I'm the blood in the North when it all comes down
逆境如斯 北境之血永远流淌
My word is my bond and my bond is my word,
言出有信 一言九鼎
Valar Dohaeris, \"All men must serve\" Valar Dohaeris
See as the raven flies and time slips by,
看那信鸦飞翔 时间流逝
Valar Morghulis, \"All men must die\" Valar Morghulis
Harren the Black's legacy, the tallest of them all
黑心赫伦留下的 最高的那一座
Now a blasted out ruin and my prison, Harrenhal
如今破败不堪 它是我的监牢 它叫赫伦堡
Death in every black tower, pain in every rotted steeple,
Ain't no room for hope and it smells of dead people
在死亡的气息中 没有任何希望尚存
Evil. Man, Arya, or Weasel
恶魔 人类 艾莉亚还是黄鼠狼
The ghost in these walls when I speak names, lethal
当我说出名字 我就是最致命的赫伦堡的鬼魂
Pawn in the game, all the same, I'm a catalyst,
因为某人要偿债 我就是其中的媒介
For the bishops' table, then I mingle with the savages
在主教的桌前 我和野蛮人混在一起
Old Lord Lion tracks my family in the field,
Ask me if I believe anyone can be killed
For real, I get three, that's the deal
说真的 我有三个名额 这是我的约定
Not too far from my first, soon I'll know how it feels
第一个人死后 我就知道以后会发生什么
Thought that I was caught between my lord and the law,
But I show no fear it cuts deeper than swords
但我面无惧色 尽管心如刀割
You're damn right, had I led a different life,
你说的太对了 我的生命已经截然不同
And maybe been a child of Pike, I'd gladly paid the Iron Price
如果我生于派克城 我会很愿意去付铁钱
Watch it all come around as I lay on the ground,
Joffrey, Cersei, Ilyn Payne, the Hound
乔佛里 瑟曦 伊林派恩和猎狗
They all think I'm lost but I know where I'm found,
他们都认为我失踪了 但我知道我在哪里
I'm the blood in the North when it all comes down
逆境如斯 北境之血永远流淌
My word is my bond and my bond is my word,
言出有信 一言九鼎
Valar Dohaeris, \"All men must serve\" Valar Dohaeris
See as the raven flies and time slips by,
看那信鸦飞翔 时间流逝
Valar Morghulis, \"All men must die\" Valar Morghulis
All over the realm, ran with cutthroats and pages,
整个王国 四分五裂
And haven't seen the basics in this world with Five Graces.
五王之战 茫茫无期
Patience, just like I remain nameless,
忍耐 我是个无名之辈
I think I found my calling with a man who stays faceless
Nice to think that my hands would stay stainless,
But a girl keeps secrets; survival game, shameless
但是女孩要保守秘密 无耻幸存
Tickler was cruel, armory or ignoramus
记事本是个残忍的人 亚摩利是个无知之辈
I named both names and a man was gracious
我把他们的名字告诉某人 某人知道该怎么做
A man needs a name and a man pays his debts,
某人需要名字 某人需要还债
And a man owes three and a girl has requests
第三个名字 女孩思索再三
A girl wants the Old Lion, but a man must digress,
女孩想要老狮子的命 但他一定不会愿意
So a girl names a man as a man's last test
A girl un-names a man for some help to get away,
If a man does this thing then a girl must obey
如果某人遵从 女孩必须服从
A man gives a girl a coin as a girl decides to say,
某人给了女孩一枚硬币 正如女孩想要说的
\"The God of Death will have his due, but we say, 'Not today'\"
在死神面前我们只有一句祷告词 不是今天
Watch it all come around as I lay on the ground,
Joffrey, Cersei, Ilyn Payne, the Hound
乔佛里 瑟曦 伊林派恩和猎狗
They all think I'm lost but I know where I'm found,
他们都认为我失踪了 但我知道我在哪里
I'm the blood in the North when it all comes down
逆境如斯 北境之血永远流淌
My word is my bond and my bond is my word,
言出有信 一言九鼎
Valar Dohaeris, \"All men must serve\" Valar Dohaeris
See as the raven flies and time slips by,
看那信鸦飞翔 时间流逝
Valar Morghulis, \"All men must die\" Valar Morghulis
1.The Parallel
3.Magical Reality
4.Mother of Dragons
5.Arya's Prayer
6.Iron Throne
7.Win or Die
8.Born to Rule