I was a miner, I was a docker
I was a railway man between the wars
I raised a family in times of austerity
With sweat at the foundry between the wars
I paid the union and as times got harder
I looked to the government to help the working man
But they brought prosperity down at the armoury
We're arming for peace, me boys between the wars
I kept the faith and I kept voting
Not for the iron fist but for the helping hand
For theirs is a land with a wall around it
And mine is a faith in my fellow man
Theirs is a land of hope and glory
Mine is the green field and the factory floor
Theirs are the skies all dark with bombers
And mine is the peace we knew between the wars
Call up the craftsmen, bring me the draftsmen
Build me a path from cradle to grave
And I'll give my consent to any government
That does not deny a man a living wage
Go find the young men never to fight again
Bring up the banners from the days gone by
Sweet moderation, heart of this nation
Desert us not, we are between the wars
2.Anarchy In The UK
3.Land of Hope and Glory
4.Soldier Soldier
5.Class War
6.Fight The Cuts
7.(Im In Love With) Margaret Thatcher
8.Protest and Survive
11.Politicians and Ministers
12.It Says Here
14.**** The Tories
15.Don't Dictate
16.Kick Out The Jams
17.How Sad
18.Old Tart
19.Government Stinks
20.Borstal Breakout
21.Death of the European
22.If The Kids Are united
23.Rowche Rumble
24.Spirit Of The Falklands
25.Babylons Burning
26.Gun Fury
27.Paved With Gold
28.Glad To Be Gay '94
29.I Got Nothing/I Got ****
31.Chemical Warfare
32.Between The Wars
34.Facist Regime
36.The Murder of Liddle Towers
37.Streets of London
38.Cop Cars
39.Irrelevant Battles
40.Alternative Ulster (Live)
41.Peasant In The Big ******
42.No Respect
44.Fascist Dictator
45.Suspect Device (Live)
46.Persons Unknown
47.Red's Strike The Blues
48.Right To Work
49.Selfish Few
50.Fruit Flies
51.Do You Believe In The Westworld
52.**** Religion, **** Politics, **** The Lot Of You
53.Living With Unemployment
54.Stand Strong Stand Proud (Live)
55.No Government
57.Hitler's In The Charts Again
58.Smash it up
59.In A Rut
60.Bye Bye England