You are an obsession 你让人着迷
I cannot sleep 我夜不能寐
I am your possession 我属于你
Unopened at your feet 等你来打开
There's no balance 没有平衡
No equality 没有平等
Be still I will not accept defeat 别走 我不会接受失败
I will have you 我会拥有你
Yes, I will have you 我一定会拥有你
I will find a way and I will have you 我会找到办法 我会拥有你的
Like a butterfly 就像一只蝴蝶
A wild butterly 一只野蛮的蝴蝶
I will collect you and capture you 我会收藏到的 我会俘获你的
You are an obsession 你让人着迷
You're my obsession 你让我着迷
Who do you want me to be 你想要我怎么样
To make you sleep with me 才能与我同寝
You are an obsession 你让人着迷
You're my obsession 你让我着迷
Who do you want me to be 你想让我怎么样
To make you sleep with me 才能与我同寝
I feed you I drink you 我为你而活着
My day and my night 我的日日夜夜
I need you I need you 我需要你啊 我需要你
By sun or candlelight 变成太阳 或者烛光
You protest 你说了算
You want to leave 你想我留下
Stay 留下
Oh, there's no alternative 噢!我没有选择
Your face appears again 你的容颜再次浮现
I see the beauty there 我看到你的倩影
But I see danger 但我感觉到危险
Stranger beware 当心陌生人
A circumstance 一个情景
In your naked dreams 在你的梦里
Your affection is not what it seems 你的感觉不是看上去的那样
You are an obsession 你让人着迷
You're my obsession 你让我着迷
Who do you want me to be 你想要我怎么样
To make you sleep with me 才能与我同寝
You are an obsession 你让人着迷
You're my obsession 你让我着迷
Who do you want me to be 你想让我怎么样
To make you sleep with me 才能与我同寝
My fantasy has turned to madness 我想得快要疯了
And all my goodness 我所有的善良
Has turned to badness 都变成了邪恶
My need to possess you 我占有你的欲望
Has consumed my soul 充斥了我的灵魂
My life is trembling 我在颤抖
I have no control 无法控制的颤抖
I will have you 我会拥有你
Yes, I will have you 我一定会拥有你
I will find a way and I will have you 我会找到办法 我会拥有你的
Like a butterfly 就像一只蝴蝶
A wild butterly 一只野蛮的蝴蝶
I will collect you and capture you 我会收藏到的 我会俘获你的
You are an obsession 你让人着迷
You're my obsession 你让我着迷
Who do you want me to be 你想要我怎么样
To make you sleep with me 才能与我同寝
You are an obsession 你让人着迷
You're my obsession 你让我着迷
Who do you want me to be 你想让我怎么样
To make you sleep with me 才能与我同寝
You are an obsession 你让人着迷
You're my obsession 你让我着迷
Who do you want me to be 你想要我怎么样
To make you sleep with me 才能与我同寝
1.Obsession (Cover) - Vocal
2.Obsession (Cover)