The Man in the Moon

There i stood in the night
Out on the broken pier
Me with my feet in the sea
You with your face in the clouds,
The man in the moon
And as i heard your voice,
Felt your laugh
Flood across the broken pier
I wanted to die right then and there
You smiled down across the waves
As if to say to me
"everything will be okay,
Be strong and true"
And i felt your eyes
Like the tide
Pulling me out into the air
For a moment in time
You held me there,
Father and son,
Home again'
1.Big Electric Cat
2.Hot Sun [instrumental]
3.The Lone Rhinoceros
5.Adidas in Heat
6.Animal Grace
7.The Final Rhino [instrumental]
8.The Man in the Moon
9.Stop It
10.Naive Guitar [instrumental]
11.The Momur