Taking Care Of Business Like The DOA Video

1.Taking Care Of Business Like The DOA Video
2.Take The Red Out Of The Canadian Flag And You Get Surrender (We Are Wolves Remix)
3.It’s Your Duty As A Canadian To Go To Tim Horton’s 5 Times A Day
4.Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle (Found Magazine tape from Ypsilanti Parking Lot Remix)
5.Grrrls Look Good In Canada And Afghanistan
6.Kandahar Porn Merchant Moustache Twitch
7.He Died With Walnut Crunch Crumbs On His Moustache
8.I Sure Know A Lot About Afghanistan So Let’s Invade It (Or Make A Record About It)
9.Hotboxing The LAV May Protect You From The IEDs
10.I Wipe My Ass With Your Yellow Ribbon
11.Tim Horton’s As A Gateway Drug To The Canadian Army
12.We Trade You Sting For A Toyota Pick-Up Filled With ****
13.Oakland Pulic Library Cambodian Tape Archive Remix For The Afghani People