It's dark in here, visions are flashing into my head
这里被黑暗笼罩 幻象在脑海中闪烁而过
as I reminisce my reoccurring dreams and you said,
当我开始追忆过往 那时你曾这样对我诉说
“I'm falling, falling for you babe
my feelings are getting stronger”
so why don't you stay with me for a little longer…
那又为何 你不能再多陪伴我一会呢…
come here boy, c-c-come here boy yeah
回到我身边吧 来吧 宝贝
come here boy, c-c-come here boy yeah
回到我身边吧 来吧 宝贝
I know that my face is only too familiar to your sleep
我能透过你的双眸 触碰你近在咫尺的体温 察觉到它
I can see it in your eyes and I can tell by your body heat
why are you taking so long?
you need me to come and find you, honey?
别再举棋不定了 就让这美梦成真
set your mind at rest, let your dreams run free
回到我身边吧 来吧 宝贝
come here boy, c-c-come here boy yeah
回到我身边吧 来吧 宝贝
come here boy, c-c-come here boy yeah
回到我身边吧 来吧 宝贝
come here boy, c-c-come here boy yeah
回到我身边吧 来吧 宝贝
come here boy, c-c-come here boy yeah
你本清楚 我就是梦中的那个人…
you know I'm no stranger in your dreams…
你本清楚 我就是梦中的那个人…
you know I'm no stranger in your dreams…
不断苦声哀求 只愿今晚你能成为我的眷属
oh and I'm craving, I'm howling, I'm begging, I'm pleadingyou're mine tonight
我一直都在为你停留 歇斯底里地为你守候
oh yeah oh and I'm waiting, I'm dying, I'm wanting and I'm needing
to show you the slut I am
当我被你抱在怀中 感受你温柔的爱抚
where I'll be touching and holding, caressing and giving you
every fantasy , yeah
聆听你的梦想 满足你贪得无厌的欲望
I've got you dreaming and lusting, I'm burning and praying
在欲火中燃烧自己 在幻境中祈求更多
for more of this ecstasy
来吧 宝贝
come here boy
come here boy
来吧 宝贝
come here boy
come here boy