Shred Gear Rhapsody

Shred Gear Rhapsody
TV动画《噗哔啵~来自未来~》片尾曲 1
I see my father's sleeping face〖我看到了父亲的睡脸〗
And the tears on my mother's face〖还有母亲脸上的泪水〗
I hold my old guitar case〖我拿起了我的旧吉他盒〗
And put on my brand-new shoes〖并且穿上了我的新鞋〗
The sky is blue this morning〖今天早晨的天空很蓝〗
I think the Lascaux cows will be dancing〖我猜拉斯科奶牛会因此而高兴地跳舞〗
Hearing the sound of drum beats〖此刻我听到了鼓声的节拍〗
Now is the time to start my journey〖现在是时候开始我的旅程了〗
I was born in the rye〖我在麦田里出生〗
Blowin' in the wind, and buffeted by Jonathan showed me how to fly〖并且随风飘荡,是Jonathan教会我如何飞翔〗
I’m still flying high〖如今我仍然在高空中翱翔〗
Over my shoulder,I'll throw a farewell to my town〖回过头来,我会向我的小镇致以一个告别〗
That movie poster has turned brown〖那张电影海报已经老化成了棕色〗
My life goes onl〖但我的生活还在继续〗
Thought I was a person who was heading somewhere〖我一直以为这里是只有我一个人才会去的地方〗
But was always spinning round in the same place〖但我总是在同样的地方来回徘徊〗
Just the same as riding on a merry-go-round.〖就像是在骑旋转木马一样〗
Even so〖即使如此〗
I played my Rock and Roll.〖我依然在演奏着我的摇滚〗
It’s in my soul〖这就是我的人生〗
In the downtown streets of Rio〖在里约热内卢的市中心街道〗
A butterfly flutters con brio〖一只蝴蝶在欢快地飞舞着〗
Taking off,she flies away〖她在起飞,随后飞走了〗
Now she’s flying high〖现在她正在高空中翱翔〗
Thousands of miles north in Queens,〖她可谓是征服数千英里高空的女王〗
people run for shelter as the storm begins〖大家正在躲避着即将来临的暴风雨〗
Anyone can change the world And My life goes on〖任何人都可以改变这个世界,而且我的人生仍然在继续〗
Now I am a person who is heading somewhere〖现在我正走向只有我一个人才会去的地方〗
I’m not spinning round in the same place〖我不会在同样的地方来回徘徊了〗
Now I’ve said good-bye to my merry-go-round.〖现在我得向我的旋转木马说声“再见了”〗
And so〖因此〗
I play my Rock and Roll.〖我正在演奏着我的摇滚〗
It’s in my soul〖这就是我的人生〗
1.Shred Gear Rhapsody