Universe Song feat.Naomi Kanno EGO)-FreeTEMPO
I wAnt tO tHink oF You
I HaVe iTs drEam Come trUe
I wiThOut fAil paSs thRougH,
I ThiNk On foRevEr
YoU aLwAys ThinK Of mE,
I AlwaYs think oF yoU
I tHiNk yOu.It's mY fAte
I thiNk On foRevEr
I wiSh YouR sIdE
I Wish yoUr siDe
I wisH tO stArS
I'm witH YouR hAnd
I'm With yoUr HeaRt
I WiSh yOu ArE aNyTime
I wAnt tO tHink oF You
I HaVe iTs drEam Come trUe
I wiThOut fAil paSs thRougH,
I ThiNk On foRevEr
YoU aLwAys ThinK Of mE,
I AlwaYs think oF yoU
I tHiNk yOu.It's mY fAte
I thiNk On foRevEr
I wiSh YouR sIdE
I Wish yoUr siDe
I wisH tO stArS
I'm witH YouR hAnd
I'm With yoUr HeaRt
I WiSh yOu ArE aNyTime
I wAnt tO tHink oF You
I HaVe iTs drEam Come trUe
I wiThOut fAil paSs thRougH,
I ThiNk On foRevEr
YoU aLwAys ThinK Of mE,
I AlwaYs think oF yoU
I tHiNk yOu.It's mY fAte
I thiNk On foRevEr
I wiSh YouR sIdE
I Wish yoUr siDe
I wisH tO stArS
I'm witH YouR hAnd
I'm With yoUr HeaRt
I WiSh yOu ArE aNyTime
I wiSh YouR sIdE
I Wish yoUr siDe
I wisH tO stArS
I'm witH YouR hAnd
I'm With yoUr HeaRt
I ThiNk On foRevEr...
YoU sTar Is Me.....
It's tRying tO Smile.....
2.Immaterial White
3.Oriental Quiet
4.A New Field Touch
6.Universe Song