If I could find the heartbeat in this song
I didn't have to doubt, I may be wrong
To think I can predict the coming season
As I lay down awoken now
Summer has been over for some time
I didn't even know it said goodbye
But it has given notes, it's not a secret
I always sent today away
I'm walking barefoot
With a broken rod
My weak and weary light
A storm put out
And you are coming as
A gift of evening
September gives no days of shining bright
It dies like wind through leaves that never fight
And all the debt of life is on my shoulders
It's autumn night in all its might
Still day is all around me in a show
With notice to the night I've got to go
My heart well hid in ice but still protected
Like hidden hope of rose in snow
I'm walking barefoot
With a broken rod
My weak and weary light
A storm put out
And you are coming as
A gift of evening
But morning light is reaching to my chin
And I see wings of sunlight take me in
And I do dare to hope like spring in autumn
The hands of cold can't kill a soul
I'm walking barefoot
With a broken rod
My weak and weary light
A storm put out
You are coming as
A gift of evening