Like Blood from a Stone

There's a girl, a tall girl, with eyes like honeycomb & jasmine.
Sometimes she blows cigarette smoke in your face in the break room, and you call that love.
有时在休息室她将烟圈吐在你的脸上 你称之为爱
Not because it is, but because you want it to be,
并非由于事实如此 而是你希望如此
Because you're so goddamned lonely, so goddamned unable to handle the ocean roar in your ears when you're alone.
因为你是如此孤独 且在独自面对海潮般的情绪时又如此无能
You tell yourself that the ash in your lungs is a kiss goodnight, and you write poems about the smoke tendrils whispering off her lips.
你告诉自己肺中的烟灰是一枚晚安吻 并作下诗——关于她从唇瓣吐出又伴着烟圈的耳语
How beautiful they are, like the aching arms of god you want them to be.
One night, you're tired, so very tired, your eyes as heavy as water.
一天晚上你疲惫不堪 行眠立盹
You forget where you are, in the break room at a WalMart at 2:30 in the morning.
You leave your notebook unattended on the table, left out for anyone in the world to see.
你漫不经心地把笔记本丢在桌上 将它呈现给世界上任何好奇的人
One of your coworkers picks it up. He reads the poems you wrote about the girl with honeycomb & jasmine in her eyes.
You panic when you realize what just happened, because the boy who just picked up your notebook.
意识到他刚刚做出的行为时 你惊慌失措
He's a cruel boy, with eyes like shotguns & razorwire.
他是个冷酷的男孩 眼睛如同猎枪和铁网
He buys you razorblades on your birthday so you can do the job right the next time, you ******* freak.
他在你生日那天买给你刀片 希望下次你能利用它做好工作 怪胎
and you can't believe that you aren't one, can't believe you deserve to be anything.
你不相信你是庸中佼佼 不相信你能雁过留声
Some days you don't even try to hide the angry marks on your arm, like your skin is a test where you got every question wrong.
有时你甚至不再掩饰愤怒时在手臂上留下的痕迹 那些伤害都是你无法得出任何一个正解的考验
One night, there's a box-cutter with a brand new blade, a stack of cardboard boxes begging to feel its tooth.
一天晚上 大堆纸板箱渴求靠近切割机崭新的刀片
You dig in but something's wrong, the fiber's too gnarled and you can't seem to cut clean.
你开始切割却感到异常 纤维错杂 你似乎不能将它清理整齐
You push, hard as you can, feel the stiff tangle of glue give way, and there's blood on the floor, the blade half an inch in your wrist, but you don`t feel it.
你全力推进 感受到僵硬繁乱的胶水散开 但感受不到地板上的血迹和手腕上半英寸长的伤口
The shift manager’s in your ear, angry because he has to take you to the hospital.There's a janitor who'll forever hold it against you for staining his clean, clean floor,
值班经理在你耳畔发作 因为他被迫带你去医院 看门人将永远仇视你 因为你弄脏了他干净的地板
and there's everyone you work with & their hostile eyes glaring, knowing this was always always coming all along.
There's that cacophony, all those ghosts reminding you of your destiny for failure.
and there's another blade, and there's a bottle of pills, a fifth of vodka, a hospital visit, two weeks of inpatient while your whole family prays for you to get better.
另一支刀片 一瓶药丸 五分之一伏特加 一次医院探视 两周住院治疗 而你的家人都在祈祷你能好受些
There's a doctor with blank eyes who never looks at you.
He’s always scribbling things on his clipboard. Everything you say, he documents. Even when you're not talking to him.
无论你是否开口 他总在文件夹里或记录你的一字一句或草草书写
you don't smoke, but you still go out for smoke breaks with everyone else on the ward because there's nothing else to do but stare at the walls, and wait for the next group session to start,
你不吸烟 但你还是和病房里的其他人一同在吸烟休息时间出门 因为除凝视墙壁并等待下一次会话开始外 你别无选择
so you hang out in the courtyard, not smoking cigarettes but still befriending those who do.
所以你出到院子里 不吸烟但仍和吸烟的人交谈
And there's a man, maybe ten years older than you, with eyes like rough-cut pine & sunset.
有一个也许比你大十岁左右的男人 眼睛如同乌松和日落
He notices you don't smoke so he tries to stay downwind from you ,so he doesn’t exhale in your face.
他注意到你不吸烟 所以顺风站立以避免将烟圈吐到你脸前
He tells you it's okay bud, we'll get through this and be better when we leave this place than we was when we got here.
他告诉你没事的 我们会履险蹈难 且状态也会相对于起始得以改善
He's telling you the truth, and you believe him.
他推心置腹 你深信不疑
One day the doctor who doesn't look at you comes to your room and tells you that your insurance isn't paying for any more days, so you're all better now, and you leave.
一天 从未正视你的医生来到你的病房并告诉你保险费已经用尽 而你现在已经痊愈 你离开了
Your mom picks you up in the lobby. Her eyes are the most worried kindness you've ever seen.
你的妈妈在大厅接你 她的眼中是你见过的最令人担忧的善良
And you go home. and you fight off the ghosts, which is easier now than it was before, because now you have a better set of tools today.
然后你回到家 你抹去模糊的回忆 这相对于以前显得如汤沃雪 因为现在你有了更好的手段
And your life goes on like it was meant to, like you were always supposed to survive the fight.
你的生活如同命中注定那样继续着 就像你顺理成章地在战斗中幸存下来
You stop writing poems about smoke tendrils trailing off the lips you once wanted to kiss, or about how your loneliness is so unbearable, because now you write poems about how to stay alive.
你不再为曾想吻的唇瓣中吐出的烟圈或难以忍受的孤独而作诗 因为现在你作的是关于如何活着的诗
You write poems about the places you feel at home rather than the places you wish you could be.
你作的诗是关于你生活的地方 而不是你的乌托邦
One day, you catch a glimpse of someone in the mirror, and there you are,
有一天 你瞥见镜子里的某个人 而那是你
eyes like stubbornness & struggle, like the brick buildings in abandoned factory towns that refuse to completely fall.
眼神传递固执和挣扎 像废弃工厂里的红砖房 不甘全盘皆输
You look at all the scars, the history etched into your arms like a road map of where you used to be vs.
你看着所有的伤疤 那些铭刻在你手臂上的历史就像一张行迹图
The endless possibilities of where you are and where you can go now.
and the smoke tendrils, once midnight black & swirling above your head, break away, leaving nothing in your view except the sky.
曾在午夜渲染黑色并凌驾于你而萦绕的烟圈散尽 你的视野中除天空外再无他物
and it is so perfect,
and so clear.
1.Everything Is in Your Hands
2.A Letter for Zach
4.On Earth, as It Is in Heaven
5.Like Blood from a Stone
6.Blunt Trauma
9.Razor Blade
11.Given up to You