Tell Me What He Said

I lost him but I don't know how
He's going with another now
He'll be at the party on Friday night
I'd go there myself but it wouldn't be right
我会独自一人前往 但那样一点都不合适
But if you see him there please tell him that I care
如果你在那看见了他 请告诉他我在乎他
And that I want him back again
Tell him that and then tell me what he said
告诉他我说的话 再告诉我他说了什么
Just take him to a side tell him how much I cried
只要把他带去一旁 告诉他我有多泣不成声
And I'm begging on my knees
而我双膝跪下 乞求他回到我身边
Tell him that and please tell me what he said
告诉他我说的话 再告诉我他说了什么
If I hurt him I'm sorry please tell him that I love him
如果我伤害了他 我很抱歉 请告诉他我还爱他
No matter what the trouble may be we can talk it over
无论我们之间遭遇了什么 我们都能克服过去
I've never been so blue I'll wait right here for you
我从来没有这么忧伤过 我会在这里等着你
Then I know I'd like to try
If I should ever die when you tell me what he said
听到你告诉我他说了什么时 我会伤心而死
I've lost him but I don't know how
He's going with another now but if you see him there
他现在另有所属了 如果你在那看见了他
Please tell him that I care and that I want him back again
请告诉他我在乎他 我想要他再次回到我的身边
Tell him that and then tell me what he said
告诉他我说的话 再告诉我他说了什么
Just take him to a side tell him how much I cried
只要把他带去一旁 告诉他我有多泣不成声
And that I'm begging on my knees
而我双膝跪下 乞求他回到我身边
Tell him that and please tell me what he said
告诉他我说的话 再告诉我他说了什么
If I hurt him I'm sorry please tell him that I love him
如果我伤害了他 我很抱歉 请告诉他我还爱他
No matter what the trouble may be we can talk it over
无论我们之间遭遇了什么 我们都能克服过去
I've never been so blue I'll wait right here for you
我从来没有这么忧伤过 我会在这里等着你
Then I know it might surprise
If I should ever die want you tell me what he said
听到你告诉我他说了什么时 我会伤心而死
Want you tell me what he said want you tell me what he said
我想要你告诉我他说了什么 想要你告诉我他到底说了什么
1.Tell Me What He Said
2.Sometime Yesterday