This is game run running jumping
And all that fun fun fun fun stuff
This is game run running jumping
And all that fun fun fun fun stuff
You you see I've been flicked you
With desease called I.H.T.M.O.I.D
It's short for
"I Have To Move, Or I'll Die."
Welcome to level one
usually level one's always easy
Your case is really really hard
your case is really mega hard
Now that's obviously too easy
but next one is hard harder
You know what
I'm gonna call you Joe
like a slobby joe
because that's what I'm having for dinner
You are no doubt gonna be slobby and blowupable
It's helerious, trust me
Ah! You should be dead!
I I I blame my self
Could you just give up
I'm I'm I'm I'm tired of making levels!
In fact
I can kill you at any time
TIME X99999
But I'll let you live, for the LOL.