It’s like another world
A world above it all
It’s closer to the sun
Who sleeps just down the hall
It’s like another world
As quiet as you please
Those clouds may carry us
Let’s catch one in the trees
It’s like another world
Where we can always be at ease
The rooftops are a moor that runs for miles
And no one’s really sure what lies beneath the tiles
The doves are ponies here they’re waiting just outside
They’re from another world
Hop on and have a ride!
Those chimneys over there are huge cigars
They puff into the air, the sun and moon and stars
It’s like another world and when the sun is faint
The factory shiver in their shabby coats of paint
And when it rains the little rain drops take such pains
To pitter-patter something awfully nice
A laughing matter is repeated twice
And when it’s done
Sometimes a rainbow starts towards the sun
It climbs up onto that cathedral dome
And heads for home
It’s like another world
A nursery rhyme
A dream that comes unfurled a little at a time
It’s like another world but under one big sky
Somewhere papa can see
The sun that shines on me
And from another world he’ll come for me
But by and by
I’m from another world
This attic isn’t mine
However close the sun
She does not want to shine
I’m from another world and even if I brag
Those clouds will never come to carry me away
I dream another world
But dreams don’t last the day
I love another world but be it as it may
I fear this attic world
May be the world where I shall stay
1.Almost Christmas
2.If the Tables Were Turned
3.Live Out Loud
4.Another World
6.Soon, My Love
7.Good Luck, Bonne Chance
8.Soldier On
10.Let Your Heart Be Your Compass